Teófilo Ayuso Marazuela

Steven Avery

(1948) Ayuso - Biblica Vol #29 - p. 052-076 - NUEVO ESTUDIO SOBRE EL « COMMA IOANNEUM » Acompanado de la edlcion critica del Cap. V de la prlmera Epfstola de San Juan

p. 52-76 - appendix p. 81 biblio entry


p. 216-235 - chart on 218

Ayuso Marazuela, Teófilo. “Nuevo estudio sobre el Comma Johanneum.” Biblica 28 (1947):
83-112, 216-235; 29 (1948): 52-76.

It was a difficult situation. As Teófilo Ayuso Marazuela was later to
explain, many Catholic biblical scholars felt forced onto the horns of a
dilemma: were they to follow the Tridentine decree and uphold the integrity
of the Vulgate, or to respect the evidence offered by all the other
documents of the early church? Would they be forced to turn their back
on history and research to remain faithful sons of the church, or abandon
the faith to follow the dictates of criticism? But there was a way out.
Ayuso realised that investigating the earliest textual forms of the Vulgate
was a way to remain faithful to the Tridentine decree. ‘And just like that,’
he concluded, ‘the critical problem disappears. What is more, the dogmatic
problem disappears.’124

124 Ayuso 1947–1948, 98–99.
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