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  1. M

    theophoric names begin with Jeho - chart !

    It reads: "In fact, Indy would have been doomed anyway, since the name Jehovah did not appear until the 16th century." I guess that's obvious, since it wasn't until the 16th century that printing began, I think. Can anyone imagine printing from 999year? Since there is a name with full vowels...
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    Jah is the poetic or short form of Jehovah

    Is it a theophoric name? Unique because it begins with Jah- and not Je-, Jo- or Jeho-
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    No Bible writer has written such nonsense as you are trying to force in your head to imagine. There is no such phrase in hundreds of Bible translations. NOT FOUND! 😄😄😄 "The Word is GOD"
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    Notice something very special that no one wants to notice until now! "Under heaven" is worse than the word "above heaven" So the name "Jesus" is not one of the Most High God.
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    John 1:1 The Word was with ton theon HaElohim [the true God], and the Word was theos Elohim [godlike one Psalm 8:5; Hebrews 2:7].
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    JOHN 1:1 First, you are strongly manipulating the Bible text. You replace "WAS" with "IS." Second, you are strongly manipulating the Bible text You replace "Logos" with "Jesus" Original is Original = was Fake = is Original is Original = Logos Fake = Jesus
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    Get it into your head and learn to read the Greek Scriptures. Correct: John 1:1c "The Word was ην Wrong: John 1:1c "The Word is
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    LXX - Name Of God

    To our God and Father be the glory forever and ever. Amen. [Php 4:20] To his God and Father - yes, to him be the glory and the might forever. Amen. [Rev 1:6] [Rev 1:8] God, “the One who is and who was and who is coming, the Almighty. [Exodus 6:3]” (Isa 8:13) יהוה of armies—he is the One you...
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    LXX - Name Of God

    Revelation 1:8 There is no name, there was no name, and there will never be a name of Jesus, now and forever and ever. And so it should be and it is! The name of Jesus was not found in every translation of the world's Bible. I repeat: NOT FOUND! :ROFLMAO...
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    LXX - Name Of God

    Rev 11:16 - There was never, never is, and never will be the name of Jesus in all scripts around the world :D Rev 11:17 - There was never, never is, and never will be the name of Jesus in all scripts around the world :D Rev 11:18 - There was never, never is, and never will be the name of Jesus...
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    LXX - Name Of God

    Oseas - Make a decision and choose only the truest of truths forever and ever! 1. the Word was 2. the Word is
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    LXX - Name Of God

    Is the abbreviated name of God in the names in Greek/LXX this: EXample: ιου = Yah/Jah (?) Example: (1Sa 1:1) Ηλιου - Elijah
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    Adonai theory - inconsistency of following formal grammar when the goal is to depart from the norm

    But does the word "Adonai" contain actual (real) vowels? After all, its transcript is: "ADNY" So why has no one verified whether the vowels in "ADNY" are really truly? יְהֹוָה צְבָאוֹת Jehovah of armies or Jehovah of hosts (ASV)
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    theophoric names begin with Jeho - chart !

    It seems impossible to name e.g. JEHOachaz => JAHachaz JEHOash => JAHash JEHOhanan => JAHhanan Not too many of those "a/A" vowels?
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    the false claim that the English AV text would not need a comma after God to show apposition between Christ and God

    (Ro 9:5) To them the forefathers belong, and from them the Christ descended according to the flesh. God, who is over all, be praised forever. Amen. (1Ch 29:12) The riches and the glory are from you, and you rule over everything, and in your hand there are power and mightiness, and your hand is...
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    Christopher W. Clark - Nehemia Gordon (16 Rabbis Speak Out), Thomas Ross and more

    Jesus is the King of kings (Rev 19:16) Jehovah is the Lord of kings (Dan 2:47) JOHN 1:1 "The Word was God (NOT The God)" "The Word is God (NOT The God)" was or is he God? God = Elohim = theos The God = HaElohim = ho theos (Revelation JOHN 1:1)
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    Christopher W. Clark - Nehemia Gordon (16 Rabbis Speak Out), Thomas Ross and more

    Have you not noticed that there is a constant repetition of the dispute over the record and pronunciation of God's name, sometimes even the name of the Son of God, and so without resolving the dispute? But no one is discussing or arguing over a large number of other Hebrew names. This shows your...
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    responding to a friend from the 1970s upset about pointing out the yahweh-yahshua problem

    Hi. A lot of people say that the vowels of the word "ADONAI" are added to the TETRAGRAM. But how is that possible, since they negate the vowel points in God's name, why don't they negate the vowel points in the word "ADONAI"? Does anyone have CERTAIN evidence that the word "ADONAI" originally...
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    Jao-Jahwe und seine Engel

    I am looking for a PDF version or other ebook format Jao-Jahwe und seine Engel
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    Theophoric names

    Theophoric names. My English is not the best, so please be understanding for translation errors. I'd like to know about some specific names beginning with "Jah". Are they related to God's name? Jahmai ַyach·mai יַחְמַי Jahzeiah יַחְזְיָה