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  1. Steven Avery

    Jonas King - Simonides at Antigonus in 1846 - Leontius
  2. Steven Avery

    Jonas King - Simonides at Antigonus in 1846 - Leontius
  3. Steven Avery

    Jonas King - Simonides at Antigonus in 1846 - Leontius

    More Jonas King from Linkman bookmarks
  4. Steven Avery

    Jonas King - Simonides at Antigonus in 1846 - Leontius 314 issa printing press.33 In this early period, the American missionary Jonas King came into contact with al-Shidyāq’s older brother As ͑ad. The friendship...
  5. Steven Avery

    Jonas King - Simonides at Antigonus in 1846 - Leontius A CHAPTER OF MISSION HISTORY IN TURKEY. BY REV. H. O. DWIGHT, OF CONSTANTINOPLE. The providential preparation for the opening of the mission of the American Board at Constantinople sixty years ago was sufficiently remarkable to warrant...
  6. Steven Avery

    1851 Synod on the Island of Chalchi ( Χάλκη ) - Halki The minutes from the 1851 Synod with the then Patriarch and many other high dignitaries (Constantius and Anthimos included) of the Greek Orthodox Church ("on the occasion of the examinations in the local religious...
  7. Steven Avery

    the Aristeas manuscript - Constantine Oikonomos 4-volumes on LXX

    Oikonomos is in Genius 9 times German Lilia p. 46 Lilia p. 50 p. 77 - Athens Marilisa Mitsou p.94 - Biography Anna Mykoniati p. 152 - the Greek Luther Luciano Bossina p. 153 51 Lykurgos 1856, 51-52. p. 162
  8. Steven Avery

    Jonas King - Simonides at Antigonus in 1846 - Leontius

    CARM 1846- Simonides at Antigonus ================================ From this book in the image below: [Page] 280 Part II. Simonidis' manuscripts at the Tsar's court...
  9. Steven Avery

    Jonas King - Simonides at Antigonus in 1846 - Leontius

    Leontius from Canfora
  10. Steven Avery

    Jonas King - Simonides at Antigonus in 1846 - Leontius

  11. Steven Avery

    Jonas King - Simonides at Antigonus in 1846 - Leontius

    CARM Leontias author of Orgies =================== 1851 - Jonas King says now a believer...
  12. Steven Avery

    the Aristeas manuscript - Constantine Oikonomos 4-volumes on LXX

    The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Orthodox Christianity (2022) Eugen J. Pentiuc Alexandru Mihaila and others
  13. Steven Avery

    the Aristeas manuscript - Constantine Oikonomos 4-volumes on LXX The Septuagint and the Masoretic Text in the Orthodox Church(es) Alexandru Mihaila
  14. Steven Avery

    the Aristeas manuscript - Constantine Oikonomos 4-volumes on LXX

    Mikhail Seleznev Debates Over The Place Of The Septuagint In The Orthodox Tradition...
  15. Steven Avery

    the Aristeas manuscript - Constantine Oikonomos 4-volumes on LXX

    Constantine Oikonomos 1780-1857. Greek scholar and theologian. A keen patriot, he was active in politics as well as ecclesiastical affairs, and strongly opposed Western influences in Greek life which had assumed increasing...
  16. Steven Avery

    the Aristeas manuscript - Constantine Oikonomos 4-volumes on LXX

    CARM A. Lykourgos Enthüllungen über den Simonides-Dindorfschen Uranios: Zu einem Geschichtsabriss über Simonides (Leipzig, 1856) [Chapter] III. Biographische Skizze Pages 54-55 A...
  17. Steven Avery

    the Aristeas manuscript - Constantine Oikonomos 4-volumes on LXX

    . Konstantinos Oikonomos ex Oikonomon Aristeas is in various spots. Can search PBF, CARM, Linkman, Genius and Google to bring here.
  18. Steven Avery

    Telegraph of the Bosphorus - Nicolaides - Melchisedec - Dionysius - obelisk interpretation in 1851 Simonides' facsimile of the Obelisk with his telltale artwork easily recognizable. The Telegraph of the Bosphorus Issue no. 370, 20th of January, 1851...
  19. Steven Avery

    Telegraph of the Bosphorus - Nicolaides - Melchisedec - Dionysius - obelisk interpretation in 1851 Help to decipher Simonides' decipherment :LOL: Editor comments leading into Simonides' pseudo-scientific (👉fake, non-existent, manuscript based👈 = remember...
  20. Steven Avery

    Telegraph of the Bosphorus - Nicolaides - Melchisedec - Dionysius - obelisk interpretation in 1851 The Telegraph of the Bosphorus Issue no. 370, 20th of January, 1851 Page 2 First Column Subheading: PHILOLOGICAL Google Translated - with very...