
Steven Avery

Burgon says ..



We find that the expression ‘ who is over all [things], God blessed for ever * is expressly acknowledged to refer to our Saviour by the following 60 illustrious names:— ... Augustine, about 30 times ... All these see in Rom. ix. 5, a glorious assertion of the eternal GODhead of Christ.

Is this reliable?
Most of the quotes do not have pizazz, maybe the Confessions.


Contra Faustum
Adoption, we know, was familiar to the ancients; for even women adopted the children of other women, as Sarah adopted Ishmael, and Leah her handmaid's son, and Pharaoh's daughter Moses. Jacob, too, adopted his grandsons, the children of Joseph. Moreover, the word adoption is of great importance in the system of our faith, as is seen from the apostolic writings. For the Apostle Paul, speaking of the advantages of the Jews, says: "Whose are the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law; whose are the fathers, and of whom, according to the flesh, Christ came, who is over all, God blessed forever."

Sermons on New Testamen Lessons - Sermon 1
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Steven Avery

Check for more here. there are about 17, some will be nothings.

25) Psalm XLVII
7. “Sing praises to our God, sing praises” (ver. 6). Whom as Man mocked they, who from God were alienated. “Sing praises to our God.” For He is not Man only, but God. Man of the seed of David, God the Lord of David, of the Jews having flesh. “Whose” (saith the Apostle) “are the fathers, of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came.” Of the Jews then is Christ, but according to the flesh. But who is this Christ who is of the Jews according to the flesh? “Who is over all, God blessed for ever.” God before the flesh, God in the flesh, God with the flesh. Nor only God before the flesh, but God before the earth whence flesh was made; nor only God before the earth whereof flesh was made, but even God before the Heaven which was first made; God before the day which was first made; God before Angels; the same Christ is God: for “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

26) Psalm LXVIII
2. “Let God rise up, and let His enemies be scattered” Already this hath come to pass, Christ hath risen up, “who is over all things, God blessed for ever,” and His enemies have been dispersed through all nations, to wit, the Jews; in that very place, where they practised their enmities, being overthrown in war, and thence through all places dispersed: and now they hate, but fear,

27) Psalm LXXI
So then did God forsake Christ, though “God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself,” though Christ was also God, out of the Jews indeed according to the flesh, “Who is over all things, God blessed for ever,” —did God forsake Him?

28) Psalm LXXVI
For better were it for them that their king should be Christ, of the seed of David, of the tribe of Judah. Nevertheless because Christ Himself is of the seed of David after the flesh, but God above all things blessed for ever, He is Himself our King and our God; our King, inasmuch as born of the tribe of Judah, after the flesh, was Christ the Lord, the Saviour; but our God, who is before Judah, and before Heaven and earth, by whom were made all things, both spiritual and corporal. For if all things by Himself were made; even Mary herself, out of whom He was born, by Himself was made.
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Steven Avery

Homily I.
1 John I. 1–II. 11
For what thing did He come, or what new thing did He tell us? What was it His will to teach? Wherefore did He this which He did, that the Word should be made flesh, that “God over all things” 2008 should suffer indignities from men, that He should endure to be smitten upon the face by the hands which Himself had made?

2008 Rom. ix. 5. Deus super omnia: so de Trin. ii. 23,
c. Faust. iii. 3, 6, - above
Propos. ex Ep. ad Rom. Exp. 59, super omnes Deus. S.

Aug. constantly refers this clause to Christ. So

S. Iren. iii. 18 (D. super omnes),
Tertull. adv. Prax. 13, 15;
Origen (Lat.) Comm. in Ep. ad Rom. vii. 13;
St. Cypr. adv. Jud. ii. 6;
St. Hilar. de Trin. viii. 37;
St. Ambros de Sp. Sa. i. 3, sec. 39;
in all these it is De super omnia or super omnia Deus.