Steven Avery
Borislav Georgiev Borisov (bozman)
Note: the Bulgarian paper should best be downloaded from This will inform Borislav of the download and honors his labour and copyright and makes sure that nothing is changed. It is easy to set up a free account at Thanks!
Similarly, we are making the English translation and commentary of Kirk DiVietro available online, principally through and and if helpful we will add more, like Google Drive! Thanks!
1 Thessalonians 1:3 (AV)
Remembering without ceasing your work of faith,
and labour of love,
and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ,
in the sight of God and our Father;
We are looking forward to making contact with Borislav.
Any help appreciated!
Please note that Borislav shows no awareness of the 1860s controversies about Sinaiticus authenticity, involving Mount Athos and Constantine Simonides and the questionable history of saving the ms. From fire offered by Constantine Tischendorf.
Thus, Borislav’s study of Sinaiticus has a “clean room” element. In the paper he is sincerely perplexed about the discordance between the generally accepted consensus scholarship and the “facts on the ground” (manuscript).
There are many questions about the Sinaiticus manuscript, provenance, physical condition, differences between Leipzig and British Library, historical imperatives, textual connections with medieval manuscripts, anachronisms, and more that are totally outside the purview of this paper.
Bulgarian version - download at
Codex Sinaiticus - Borislav Borisov
English version - Kirk DiVietro - two options
April 15, 2023 - Ver 6 - view or download - login optional - view or download - no login needed
We are still trying to work out about 15 Bulgarian words in proper context, if you can assist, please let us know. We are also planning a glossary, more pictures, and lots of value-added, so come back every week!
April 10, 2023
Translation planned for updates next 10 days - those with language fluency and skills welcome to contribute. We are collating a small number of puzzling Bulgarian words, which we will sent to those strong in Bulgarian, upon request. Anyone fluent in Bulgarian, whatever your stance on Sinaiticus, is cordially welcome to assist. Not just on difficult words, but anything in grammar, vocabulary, etc. A glossary would be helpful as well.
A separate scholarship review with commentary is planned also in April - Kirk DiVietro as primary author, with thanks to Borislav and explanations and disclaimers about the skills utilized. For now, our thoughts might just get in the way of your scholarship feedback.
We plan a video interview and presentation to be done around the end of April, with listener participation. The host will likely be LJ Thriepland from the UK.
And those with an art background are welcome, since their skills and study often involve similar areas that are not given strong emphasis in Bible manuscript lands, like graphology and calligraphy and archeometry. Along with epigraphy, palaeography and codicology.
Your skill contributions welcome.
Interesting responses, already!
We are easy to contact, starting with good old email and additional contact methods:
Steven Avery -
- Dutchess County, NY USA.
- text Talkatone (520) 442-3322,
- Facebook Messenger -
- Skype - mbesteven
Kirk DiVietro -
- Norfolk MA, USA (Southeast corner of Mass)
Note: the Bulgarian paper should best be downloaded from This will inform Borislav of the download and honors his labour and copyright and makes sure that nothing is changed. It is easy to set up a free account at Thanks!
Similarly, we are making the English translation and commentary of Kirk DiVietro available online, principally through and and if helpful we will add more, like Google Drive! Thanks!
1 Thessalonians 1:3 (AV)
Remembering without ceasing your work of faith,
and labour of love,
and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ,
in the sight of God and our Father;
We are looking forward to making contact with Borislav.
Any help appreciated!
Please note that Borislav shows no awareness of the 1860s controversies about Sinaiticus authenticity, involving Mount Athos and Constantine Simonides and the questionable history of saving the ms. From fire offered by Constantine Tischendorf.
Thus, Borislav’s study of Sinaiticus has a “clean room” element. In the paper he is sincerely perplexed about the discordance between the generally accepted consensus scholarship and the “facts on the ground” (manuscript).
There are many questions about the Sinaiticus manuscript, provenance, physical condition, differences between Leipzig and British Library, historical imperatives, textual connections with medieval manuscripts, anachronisms, and more that are totally outside the purview of this paper.
Bulgarian version - download at
Codex Sinaiticus - Borislav Borisov
English version - Kirk DiVietro - two options
April 15, 2023 - Ver 6 - view or download - login optional - view or download - no login needed
We are still trying to work out about 15 Bulgarian words in proper context, if you can assist, please let us know. We are also planning a glossary, more pictures, and lots of value-added, so come back every week!
April 10, 2023
Translation planned for updates next 10 days - those with language fluency and skills welcome to contribute. We are collating a small number of puzzling Bulgarian words, which we will sent to those strong in Bulgarian, upon request. Anyone fluent in Bulgarian, whatever your stance on Sinaiticus, is cordially welcome to assist. Not just on difficult words, but anything in grammar, vocabulary, etc. A glossary would be helpful as well.
A separate scholarship review with commentary is planned also in April - Kirk DiVietro as primary author, with thanks to Borislav and explanations and disclaimers about the skills utilized. For now, our thoughts might just get in the way of your scholarship feedback.
We plan a video interview and presentation to be done around the end of April, with listener participation. The host will likely be LJ Thriepland from the UK.
And those with an art background are welcome, since their skills and study often involve similar areas that are not given strong emphasis in Bible manuscript lands, like graphology and calligraphy and archeometry. Along with epigraphy, palaeography and codicology.
Your skill contributions welcome.
Interesting responses, already!
We are easy to contact, starting with good old email and additional contact methods:
Steven Avery -
- Dutchess County, NY USA.
- text Talkatone (520) 442-3322,
- Facebook Messenger -
- Skype - mbesteven
Kirk DiVietro -
- Norfolk MA, USA (Southeast corner of Mass)
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