Council of Alexandria 362 AD

Steven Avery

h. At the Council of Alexandria (362) “Athanasius secured acceptance of the proposition that the Spirit
is not a creature but belongs to, and is inseparable from, the substance of the Father and the Son.” It
is possible that Athanasius had the Pneumatomachians (‘Spirit-fighters’) who argued that the Spirit
was neither creator nor creature but something in between. (Kelly, Doctrine, 259).

Steven Avery

The Nicene Council members are sometimes indicted because there was no exposition on the person and nature of the Holy Spirit in the Nicene creed. However, to be fair, the matter of the Holy Spirit was not the matter at hand nor was it even an issue at the time of Nicaea. “The Holy Spirit already figured in Christian experience and belief but the controversy about its status vis-à-vis God and Christ” 137 began to spring up around the start of Cyril’s episcopacy. One example of this occurred at the Council of Alexandria, held in 362, where one of the agenda items was a discussion of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. 138 Thus both the Christological and pneumatological debates about the person and nature of the Son and the Holy Spirit, along with the challenge of maintaining the unicity of the Godhead while acknowledging the three equal persons within it, defined the theological milieu in which Cyril served as bishop of Jerusalem and endured depositions and exiles.

The Pneumatology and Liturgical Praxis of Fourth-Century Jerusalem as Reflected in the Prebaptismal and Mystagogical Catecheses of Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem: A Comparative Analysis (2019)
Lisa M. Weaver
