the colophon debate with Hilgenfeld and Tischendorf - and Fabiano

Steven Avery

Adolf Bernhard Christoph Hilgenfeld (1823-1907) '

Constantin Tischendorf in seiner fünfundzwanzigjährigen schriftstellerischen Wirksamkeit: literatur-historische Skizze (1862)

Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Theologie (1863)

Die Anfechtungen der Sinai-Bibel - The Challenges to the Sinai Bible (1863)

Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Theologie (1864)
there may be a Voume 1 and 2 per Bernhard Weiss
p. 211-219

Methodist Quarterly Review (1864)

Journal of Sacred Literature (1864)
The Age of the Sinaitic Codex
Reprinted from the Clerical Journal - footnote by JSL editor
Hilgenfeld in Zeitschrift … Journal for Scientific Theology

Journal of Sacred Literature (1865)

Theological Review (1864)
Notes on the Codex Sinaiticus

American Presbyterian (1866)

Gartdhausen (1879) (1911)

Gregory (1884) Latin with Abbot

Bernhard Weiss (1888)
3 The parts of the 01«1 Testament discovered in 1844 were published at Leipzig as tho Cod. Fridcrico-Augustan us, in 18-10. Besides the Old and New Testaments the Cod. Sinait. contains the Epistle of Barnabas and part of the Shepherd of Hermas. Comp. Tischeudorf, Sotitia edit. Cod. bill. Sinait., Lips. 1860. Die Sinnibibcl, Lcipz. 1871. As to the value of the MS. couip. K. Wieseler Theol Stud. u. Krit., 1861, 64,,Hilgenfeld, who puts it into the sixth century, in his Zeittchr.f. tcu*. Theol, 1864, 1, and against him Tischendorf in the same journal 1804,,2. Comp, also Phil. Buttmann in the same, 1864, 00, Scrivener, A Full,Collation of the Cod. Sin., London, 1804, 07. The MS. is iu Petersburg.

Gregory (1907)
p. 338-339

Stanley Porter .. Garthausen, no Hilgenfeld

Scribes, Script, and Books: The Book Arts from Antiquity to the Renaissance (2010)
The Greek and.Hellenistic Book
Leila Arvin
“The proofreader left a note”

Hilgenfeld mentions these two Tischendorf
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Steven Avery

Tischendorf in 1860 and later

Quarto vero sacculo dum adscribimus biblia Sinaitica, quaeritur an forte erroris nos cunvincant quae libris Esdrae et Estherae posteriore manu suhscripta sunt. Hare enim qui scripsit testator utrumque ilium librum in codice Sinaitico ad exemplar collatum esse „antiquissimum,“ ab ipso Pamphilo captivo recognitum.1 At minime contraria ista sunt nostrae de actate codicis sententiae. Spectant enim ad ea quae a ca et cb correctoribus nostris ineunte fere saeculo septimo in illis libris mutata sunt. lllo tempore codex Sinaiticus, qui etiamnum, i. e. duodecim saeculis post, maximam partem pulcherrimus est, haud dubie satis novus videbatur. Pamphili vero exemplar a manu eius certissimjm venerandae vetustatis indicium habebat.

But in the fourth bag, when we ascribe to the Sinaitic Bible, we ask whether perhaps they convince us of error which were written by a later hand in the books of Esdras and Esther. For Hare, who wrote as a witness, said that both of those books in the Sinaitic codex were "the most ancient," reviewed by the captive Pamphilus himself. For they look to those things which were changed in those books by our correctors ca and cb about the beginning of the seventh century. At that time the codex Sinaiticus, which still exists, i. e. twelve centuries later, for the most part it is very beautiful, and no doubt it seemed quite new. But the copy of Pamphili, by his hand, had certain indications of venerable antiquity.

Praterea exemplar illud minime tum videtur

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