vocalization is the issue - yahweh=jove

Steven Avery

The issue is not:

exact correspondence of letters - and vowels
(even the two heys in the Hebrew have different sound)

cognates in Akkadian any language

etymological theories in Greek

etymological theories in Latin

or 100 other discussions


All of those have their place, but they tend to be subjective issues and/or subject to etymological fallacies. One of the tricks of the scholarship has been to spend page upon page of secondary issues and ignore the fundamental vocalization equivalence that shows that yahweh is nothing less than the devil Jove.

Vocalization equivalence is cross-language (allowing minor cultural nuances in pronunciation).

Jove was not derivative of the Tetragram. (That, by contrast, is actually an important issue, and has been covered well by some writers.)


On this thread, we will point to various information that confirms the vocalization equivalence and supports what is written above about significance.

Some is already here or there on this forum.




Steven Avery

Elisha Ballantine - very little can be learned from the mode of writing a name in a foreign language, especially the Greek

Biblical Repository (1833)
The Import of the Name Jehovah
Elisha Ballantine

"very little can be learned from the mode of writing a name in a foreign language, especially the Greek; and the difficulty is made much greater in this name, by the nature of its letters, which are all quiescent. Neither can we argue with any certainty from the signification to the form of the word ; for proper names, in Hebrew, frequently vary greatly from the grammatical form of the significant words which compose them."

This by Elisha Ballantine (1809-1886) is in general a good historical article that has flown under the radar. It will be included in an overall bibliography. While young, he had already studied in Halle, Germany and had returned "
to his alma mater as Professor of Hebrew and Greek in 1831"