comparing Sinaiticus correctors - focus on Ca in Revelation

Steven Avery

Revelation 14:8 - Schmid Oecumenius big omission correction

the Sinaiticus Revelation as Commentary? - redating Andreas to match Aleph

The Corrections of Codex Sinaiticus and the Textual Transmission of Revelation: Josef Schmid Revisited*


Here is a Ca in John (the trimmed note) to compare
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Steven Avery

Schmid lists
seven corrections agreeing with the Andreas text
Eight to Oecumenius

More info in the Peter Malik text
No need to read Schmid (unlike P47-Sinaiticus text-type claims)
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Steven Avery


Peter Malik
Later on, Skeat would give a more specific judgement concerning the Ca corrector in particular,
dating him to the sixth century.11 More recently still, Amy C. Myshrall’s palaeographical analysis led
her to similar conclusions.12 And even in his latest article, Hernández has invoked Milne and
Skeat’s more cautious stance, calling for fresh palaeographical investigations.13 If indeed Ca worked
in (roughly) sixth century, then his corrections still predate, by almost a century, the composition
of Andreas’ commentary, not to mention later minuscules with the Andreas-type text. Since the
text of Ca’s exemplar must have predated his correcting activity, it could theoretically still be
viewed as a sixth-century – and possibly even earlier – witness to the Andreas text.

12 Cf. A.C. Myshrall, “Codex Sinaiticus, its Correctors, and the Caesarean Text of the Gospels” (Ph.D. diss., University of Birmingham, 2005), 91: “The date suggested by Milne and Skeat as between the 5th and 7th centuries can thus be seen as reasonable, although I would tend to place Ca towards the first half of this period
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