Dr Steve Combs Exposes Yahweh as Jupiter While Discussing John MacArthur's Use of Yahweh in LSB

Sifted Sands

New member
I don't think it's any coincidence that soon after my account is approved on this site, and brother Steven brings up the Tetragrammaton in my greeting thread, that I get recommended a video featuring Dr. Steve Combs exposing the Yahweh and Jupiter connection while criticizing John MacArthur's Legacy Standard Bible. I searched this site but didn't see any posts about Dr. Steve Combs, so I though it would be good to share this video on this site to add it to the collection of research demonstrating the truth about the name Yahweh.

Here is the video:

It is amazing how God works! I've read much of the Father Jove/Jupiter/Yahweh material on this site, but Dr. Steve Combs in this video seems to do a good job keeping the issue simple and explaining clearly how this unclean name got snuck by the devil into modern corrupt "bible" versions, such as the LSB. I had never seen this video before, but I think it made it simple enough that even a hot-headed Baptist like me can grasp it in one sitting.

Of course, if Dr. Steve Combs did get anything he said wrong in the video, I would appreciate a correction on that. I will have to compare Dr. Steve Combs' evidence and conclusions against the other material exposing Yahweh on this site.

God bless in then name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Matthew H.

"Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.
Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.
And in that day shall ye say, Praise the LORD, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted.
Sing unto the LORD; for he hath done excellent things: this is known in all the earth."
Isaiah 12:2-5

Sifted Sands

New member
Listened to 1/2 .. I fell asleep, it was ok, no red flags, but he had not gotten to the good stuff yet.
Always the problem with audio! :)

Yeah, the actual Jupiter-Yahweh connection doesn't happen until the second half of the video. Still, I believe the information he shares is nothing new to you, but I just liked how simple it was put! I think it is helpful to share with others who may not understand much about the issue.

Plus, Steve Combs might have done more about the Jupiter-Yahweh connection, so it may be worth looking more into him to see what else he has written or other times he spoke about it.

Steven Avery

Yes, from c. 25-28. He does a good job,

Holy Ghost righteous indignation about the LSB blasphemy.


The warly history could mention the earkier debate c. 1700 Reland

More on the theophoric names,

Clearer about LORD, all caps,

Sifted Sands

New member
Yes, from c. 25-28. He does a good job,

Holy Ghost righteous indignation about the LSB blasphemy.


The warly history could mention the earkier debate c. 1700 Reland

More on the theophoric names,

Clearer about LORD, all caps,

Speaking of simple arguments to use to prove that Jehovah is God's wonderful name (instead of Yahweh), the Theophoric names are great as well. Those names are such a simple example of the connection to JEHO-vah, it is astounding how they are completely ignored by those who stick to the name Yahweh because it is "academically" proven. A simple evidence through names like JEHO-shaphat that they are blinded to, sadly. The Theophoric names would be a good arrow to add to Steve Combs' quiver, if he continues to try and simplify this debate over God's name for people who aren't as engrossed in the research to understand.

Steven Avery

Yes, I agree 100%.

Historically, it has been the key argument, including in the Reland papers and in Drach.

Even Nehemia Gordon does not give it full emphasis.