Steven Avery
the phantom Lucian recension - Hort's bogus reasoning for the Byzantine Text creation muddles on
Posted on the TC-Alternate forum
[TC-Alternate-list] Comfort, Elliot, Wallace, Bruce --> riding the Lucian recension pale horse
The big 5 who supported the Lucian recension from 1881 to 2000
1) 1881 - Fenton Hort - The New Testament in the original Greek - Westcott ambivalent
2) 1907 - Caspar Rene Gregory - Canon and Text of the New Testament - out-Horts Hort
3) 1924 - Burnet Hillman Streeter - The Four Gospels - source for Elliott
4) 1963 - Bruce Manning Metzger - The Lucianic Recension of the Greek Bible -word-parsing, kitchen sink, one clear NT claim
5) 1971 - Kurt and Barbara Aland - Der Text Des Neuen Testaments - flip in 1995
Now we are going to look at current supporters.
As James pointed out, the theory arises here and there.
In a hydra-headed manner.
> James Snapp on CARM
> The other MSS used in the Lucianic Recension, as proposed by Hort, and perpetuated by Metzger (and Wallace, and Comfort), were Alexandrian.
The first four are actually considered today's textual scholars.
2010 - James Keith Elliott
2000 - Phillip Wesley Comfort
1990 - Frederick Fyvie Bruce
2004 - Daniel Wallace - "decent hunch that may well be correct"
For these two, the main impetus is contra TR-AV
2006 - James Price
2007 - Alan Kurschner - (James White website)
LXX scholars touching on NT
2010 - Karen Jobes, Moses Silva
1968 - Sidney Jellicoe - (a little earlier)
James Keith Elliott
New Testament Textual Criticism:The Application of Thoroughgoing Principles: Essays on Manuscripts and Textual Variation (2010)
T. C. Skeat on the Dating and Origin of Codex Vaticanus
James Keith Elliott
Streeter ... notes that when Jerome was in Constantinople (c. 380) he found that the authorities there advocated the text of Lucian--in effect the Byzantine text type--precisely because this included the longer ending to Mark.
We covered Elliott earlier.
[TC-Alternate-list] Jerome - the Constantinople authorities advocate the Lucian text?
Steven Avery - May 23, 2013
[TC-Alternate-list] Jerome Prologue - is Lucian involved with the NT? - James Keith Elliott reporting wild Streeter conjectures as fact
Steven Avery - Sat May 25, 2013
Phillip Wesley Comfort sees a Hortian Lucian recension.
Here we have more fabrication embellishment.
Comfort brings these textual-historical blunders and textual bias to his contributions to the Tyndale Bible Dictionary and The Origin of the Bible and other writings. Thus helping to make sure that people can stay in the Hortian fog in order to try to perpetuate acceptance of the textus corruptus over the historic Bible.
Philip Wesley Comfort, like many writers, wrongly gives the Vulgate Gospel Prologue (Letter to Damasus) comments of Jerome as the evidence for a Lucian recension. Allowing Comfort to try to go around direct Hortian support.
Frederick Fyvie Bruce
Daniel Wallace
James, above, mentioned Daniel Wallace. However, the Wallace equivocation abounds.
Here is one comment from Daniel Wallace:
"(Lucian was proposed by Hort as the father of the Byzantine text. This proposal, incidentally, was by no means necessary to Hort's theory, but was a decent hunch that may well be correct.)"
Mark 1:2 and New Testament Textual Criticism, Daniel Wallace, 2004
Also we have this from Wallace.
Wallace hedges as a "decent hunch" and then says that major recensions were done in the 9th and 11th century. No definition of major given. James may have had additional refs from Wallace, behind his comment, however the above is sufficient to include him in this review of the modern proponents.
James Price
Price worked on the NKJV, despite being a supporter of the Critical Text. It is my view that Price is not particularly familiar with the scholarship, ran with Metzger's 1963 disaster, and did so more out of his knee-jerk opposition to the Authorized Version than any real studies. Since Price supports the CT, his work on the NKJV should be seen more as an anti-AV work than pro-TR, and the Lucian recension is critical to the CT anti-TR position.
Curriculum Vitae -James D. Price
James Price follows the 1963 paper of Metzger, where Metzger took a kitchen sink approach to most any reference regarding Lucian and worked largely by inference from non-evidence. (In fact, Metzger tried to emphasize as a specific evidence the Illustrious Lives Lucianea reference, based on the plural of Scripture!)
Price is far less a word-parsing master than Metzger. Thus he bypasses the Metzger equivocations and makes a number of bold, false, unsupported claims. Giving us a situation where the Price is not right.
(Note: James Price pulled some other super-doozies in the book referenced.)
Alan Kurschner
Writing on the James White website, Kurshner is a de facto Lucian recension proponent, while keeping the name Lucian hush-hush, mush-mush. (Afaik, White has not drunk the Lucian recension scholarly kool-aid.)
The emergence of the Byzantine text (again, what is roughly the basis behind the King James Version) can be explained as a conflation around the turn of the fourth century in the corner of the Byzantine region. - Alan Kurschner 4-19-2007 5-28-2007
[TC-Alternate-list] Alan Kurschner and the Byzantine Text
James Snapp - August 14, 2013
And you thought the Lucianic Recension theory was dead. Behold; it has risen from the dead!
Karen Jobes, Moses Silva
With Jobes and Silva you can wink at it a bit since the NT is not their bailiwick. Still it is a mess and the editor,Merrill C. Tenney, should have caught the error.
Sidney Jellicoe
With some nuance and equivocation, Jellicoe was still able to follow the errors of Hort and Streeter.
Is the Lucian recension dead in the more informed scholarly circles? The recent, 1995, Aland flip, is a pointer in that direction. A review of textual articles, textualcriticism forum discussions, and such, may be less clear.
My point here is that in real-world Bible discussion, the Lucian recension is very much alive. If some or all of Comfort, Elliott, Wallace and Bruce made clear public statements renouncing the idea, that would be helpful.
Posted on the TC-Alternate forum
[TC-Alternate-list] Comfort, Elliot, Wallace, Bruce --> riding the Lucian recension pale horse
The big 5 who supported the Lucian recension from 1881 to 2000
1) 1881 - Fenton Hort - The New Testament in the original Greek - Westcott ambivalent
2) 1907 - Caspar Rene Gregory - Canon and Text of the New Testament - out-Horts Hort
3) 1924 - Burnet Hillman Streeter - The Four Gospels - source for Elliott
4) 1963 - Bruce Manning Metzger - The Lucianic Recension of the Greek Bible -word-parsing, kitchen sink, one clear NT claim
5) 1971 - Kurt and Barbara Aland - Der Text Des Neuen Testaments - flip in 1995
Now we are going to look at current supporters.
As James pointed out, the theory arises here and there.
In a hydra-headed manner.
> James Snapp on CARM
> The other MSS used in the Lucianic Recension, as proposed by Hort, and perpetuated by Metzger (and Wallace, and Comfort), were Alexandrian.
The first four are actually considered today's textual scholars.
2010 - James Keith Elliott
2000 - Phillip Wesley Comfort
1990 - Frederick Fyvie Bruce
2004 - Daniel Wallace - "decent hunch that may well be correct"
For these two, the main impetus is contra TR-AV
2006 - James Price
2007 - Alan Kurschner - (James White website)
LXX scholars touching on NT
2010 - Karen Jobes, Moses Silva
1968 - Sidney Jellicoe - (a little earlier)
James Keith Elliott
New Testament Textual Criticism:The Application of Thoroughgoing Principles: Essays on Manuscripts and Textual Variation (2010)
T. C. Skeat on the Dating and Origin of Codex Vaticanus
James Keith Elliott
Streeter ... notes that when Jerome was in Constantinople (c. 380) he found that the authorities there advocated the text of Lucian--in effect the Byzantine text type--precisely because this included the longer ending to Mark.
We covered Elliott earlier.
[TC-Alternate-list] Jerome - the Constantinople authorities advocate the Lucian text?
Steven Avery - May 23, 2013
[TC-Alternate-list] Jerome Prologue - is Lucian involved with the NT? - James Keith Elliott reporting wild Streeter conjectures as fact
Steven Avery - Sat May 25, 2013
Phillip Wesley Comfort sees a Hortian Lucian recension.
The Essential Guide to Bible Versions (2000)
Philip Wesley Comfort
The Byzantine text likely traces back to the work of Lucian of Antioch (in Syria). According to Jerome, Lucian compared different readings of the New Testament with those with which he was acquainted and produced a revised form of the text. This revised text soon became very popular, not only at Antioch, where Lucian worked, but also at Constantinople and eventually all over the Mediterranean area. From what can be judged in later manuscripts bearing a "Lueianic" text, Lucian's work was the first major recension of the Greek New Testament. This recension involved a great deal of harmonization (especially in the Gospels), emendation, and some interpolation.
From the fourth century onward, Lucian's recension became the most prevailing type of text throughout the Greek-speaking world. In fact, it became (with minor modifications) the received text of the Greek Orthodox Church. From the fourth until the eighth century, the Byzantine text was revised even further until it was nearly standardized. From then on, almost all Greek manuscripts followed the Byzantine text, including those manuscripts that were used by Erasmus in compiling his edition of the Greek New Testament (which became the basis of the English King James Version, discussed in later chapters).
=====Encountering the Manuscripts: An Introduction to New Testament Paleography & Textual Criticism (2005)
Philip Wesley Comfort
Historical Overview of Textual Variation in the Greek New Testament
Manv scholars think a full-scale recension of the New Testament text was occurring in Antioch in the latter decades of the third century and early part of the fourth century, during a period in which the church was free from persecution---i.e.,between the persecutions under Decius (AD 250) and Diocletian (AD 303-313). It has been thought by some that Lucius of Antioch in Syria completed this project before or during the Diocletian persecution, in which he suffered martyrdom (AD 312). According to Jerome (in his introduction to his Latin translation of the Gospels: Patrologia Latina 29, col. 527), Lucian's text was a definite recension (i.e., a purposely created edition). Jerome complained of Lucian's bad recension, as opposed to the older, excellent manuscripts that he (Jerome) used. Lucian's text was the outgrowth and culmination of the popular text; it is characterized by smoothness of language, which is achieved by the removal of barbarisms, obscurities, and awkward grammatical constructions, and by the conflation of variant readings. Lucian (and/or his associates) must have used many different kinds of manuscripts of varying qualities to produce a harmonized, edited New Testament Greek text. The kind of editorial work that went into the Lucianic text is what we would call substantive editing. While Lucian was forming his recension of the New Testament text, the Alexandrian text was taking on its final shape. The formation of the Alexandrian text involved minor textual criticism (i.e., selecting variant readings among various manuscripts) and minor copyediting (i.e., producing a readable text). There was far less tampering with the text in the Alexandrian text type than in the Lucian, and the underlying manuscripts for the Alexandrian text type were superior than those used by Lucian....
Here we have more fabrication embellishment.
The Origin of the Bible (2012)
Texts and Manuscripts of the New Testament
Philip Wesley Comfort
At the end of the third century, another kind of Greek text came into being and then grew in popularity until it became the dominate text type throughout Christendom. This is the text type first instigated by Lucian of Antioch, according to Jerome (in his introduction to his Latin translation of the Gospels). Lucian's text was a definite recension (i.e., a purposely created edition)--as opposed to the Alexandrian text type which came about as the result of a process wherein the Alexandrian scribes, upon comparing many manuscripts, attempted to preserve the best text--thereby serving more as textual critics than editors. Of course, the Alexandrians did do some editing--such as we would call copy-editing. The Lucianic text is the outgrowth and culmination of the popular text; it is characterized by smoothness of language, which is achieved by the removal of obscurities and awkward grammatical constructions and by the conflation of variant readings. Lucian (or his associates) must have used many different kinds of manuscripts of varying qualities to produce a harmonized, edited New Testament text. The kind of editorial work that went into the Lucianic text is what we would call substantive editing.
Lucian's text was produced prior to the Diocletain persecution (c. 303), during which time many copies of the New Testament were confiscated and destroyed. Not long after this period of devastation, Constantine came to power and then recognized Christianity as the state religion. There was, of course, a great need for copies of the New Testament to be made and distributed to churches throughout the Mediterranean world. It was at this time that Lucian's text began to be propagated by bishops going out from the Antiochan school to churches throughout the east taking the text with them. Lucian's text soon became the standard text of the Eastern church and formed the basis for the Byzantine text--and is thus the ultimate authority for the Textuss Receptus.
While Lucian was forming his recension of the New Testament text, the Alexandrian text was taking on its final shape. As was mentioned earlier, the formation of the Alexandrian text type was the result of a process (as opposed to a single editorial recension). The formation of the Alexandrian text involved minor textual criticism (i.e., selecting variant readings among various manuscripts) and copyediting (i.e., producing a readable text). There was far less tampering with the text in the Alexandrian text type than in the Lucian, and the underlying manuscripts for the Alexandrian text type were superior than those used by Lucian. Perhaps Hesychius was responsible for giving the Alexandrian text its final shape, and Athanasius of Alexandria may have been the one who made this text the archetypal text for Egypt.
As the years went by, there were less and less Alexandrian manuscripts produced, and more and more Byzantine manuscripts manufactured. Very few Egyptians continued to read Greek (with the exception of those in St. Catherine's Monastery, the site of the discovery of Codex Sinaiticus), and the rest of the Mediterranean world turned to Latin. It was only those in the Greek-speaking churches in Greece and Byzantium that continued to make copies of the Greek text. For century after century--from the sixth to the fourteenth--the great majority of New Testament manuscripts were produced in Byzantium, all bearing the same kind of text. When the first Greek New Testament was printed (c. 1525), it was based on a Greek text that Erasmus had compiled, using a few late Byzantine manuscripts. This printed text, with minor revisions, became the Textus Receptus.
Early Manuscripts and Modern Translations of the New Testament (2001)
Here we find Comfort quoting a 1950's book from L. D. Twilley
Scholars are more certain about the development of another text typecalled “Syrian,” “Byzantine,” or “Koine.” Once the Diocletian persecution passed (c. 311), which was a persecution noted for its destruction of many copies of the NT, the church was anxious to reproduce many copies of the Greek NT. In Syria, Lucian of Antioch labored toward this end. L. D. Twilley wrote, “Lucian carefully compared different readings of the New Testament with those with which he was acquainted and produced a revised form of the text. This ‘revised text’ soon became very popular, not only at Antioch, where Lucian worked, but also at Constantinople, and, before long, all over the Mediterranean area” (The Origin and Transmission of the New Testament, 44—45).
Comfort brings these textual-historical blunders and textual bias to his contributions to the Tyndale Bible Dictionary and The Origin of the Bible and other writings. Thus helping to make sure that people can stay in the Hortian fog in order to try to perpetuate acceptance of the textus corruptus over the historic Bible.
Philip Wesley Comfort, like many writers, wrongly gives the Vulgate Gospel Prologue (Letter to Damasus) comments of Jerome as the evidence for a Lucian recension. Allowing Comfort to try to go around direct Hortian support.
Frederick Fyvie Bruce
The Acts of the Apostles: The Greek Text with Introduction and Commentary (1990)
Frederick Fyvie Bruce
The Byzantine Text
From the early fourth century on comes evidence for a recension of the NT text which combines many distinctive features of the chief existing texts and in fact represents a revision of these. This revision was evidently carried through under the direction of Lucian of Antioch (martyred in 312), whence it has been called the Syrian text (as by Westcott and Hort) or the Antiochian text (as by J. H. Ropes). Since, however, it was soon carried to Byzantium (Constantinople) and was diffused from there, it is perhaps most convenient to refer to it as the Byzantine text. During the following centuries this text increasingly superseded other and earlier forms of text; the great mass of later MSS and versions from the fifth century on is Byzantine in character. For this reason the Byzantine text is sometimes referred to as the "majority text." This was, with minor deviations, the text of the first printed editions of the Gk. NT (from 1516 on), the text which came to be known as the Textus Receptus, and the text underlying the Reformation versions of Western Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, including Luther's German NT (1522), Tyndale's English NT (1526,2-1534), and the AV/KJV of 1611.
Daniel Wallace
James, above, mentioned Daniel Wallace. However, the Wallace equivocation abounds.
Here is one comment from Daniel Wallace:
"(Lucian was proposed by Hort as the father of the Byzantine text. This proposal, incidentally, was by no means necessary to Hort's theory, but was a decent hunch that may well be correct.)"
Mark 1:2 and New Testament Textual Criticism, Daniel Wallace, 2004
Also we have this from Wallace.
Interview with Dan Wallace
March 20, 2006
How would you explain origins of the Byzantine text?
Daniel Wallace
Aland did some nice work showing that the first father to use the Byzantine text qua text was Asterius, one of Lucian's students. Fee and Ehrman have shown that the Byzantine text just didn't seem to exist anywhere prior to the fourth century, and that its earliest form is decidedly different from later forms. This also was the point of Tim Ralston's doctoral dissertation at Dallas Seminary. Holmes has shown that, in the words of Samuel Clemens, 'There are lies, damn lies, and statistics' -- and statistics are no way to measure authenticity. My best guess on the origins of the Byzantine text -- *a view that is constantly being shaped -- is that it originated in the early fourth century as a consciously edited text, cannibalizing readings from earlier textforms, even to the point of almost obliterating any traces of one of those textforms (the Caesarean). But then it took on a life of its own, developing into a growing text that had several sub-branches. Two major recensions were done on it, one in the ninth and one in the eleventh century. Ironically, the text that Hodges and Farstad produced, and the one that Robinson and Pierpont produced, did not, in every respect, represent the majority until the fifteenth century. Hort's threefold argument against the Byzantine text is still a good argument that demonstrates the Byzantine text to be secondary, late, and inferior. Although there are a few leaks in the Hortian boat, it's not enough to sink the ship.
Wallace hedges as a "decent hunch" and then says that major recensions were done in the 9th and 11th century. No definition of major given. James may have had additional refs from Wallace, behind his comment, however the above is sufficient to include him in this review of the modern proponents.
James Price
Price worked on the NKJV, despite being a supporter of the Critical Text. It is my view that Price is not particularly familiar with the scholarship, ran with Metzger's 1963 disaster, and did so more out of his knee-jerk opposition to the Authorized Version than any real studies. Since Price supports the CT, his work on the NKJV should be seen more as an anti-AV work than pro-TR, and the Lucian recension is critical to the CT anti-TR position.
Curriculum Vitae -James D. Price
King James Onlyism: A New Sect (2006)
James D. Price
The Lucian Recension Has Historical Support
A common assumption among the advocates of the Majority Text view is that the text tradition extends back to the autographic text. In fact, this assumption is essential to the Majority Text view. On the other hand, there are those who reject this assumption, and point out historical evidence that Lucian (or someone close to him) made a recension of the text near the beginning of the fourth century. This evidence is either ignored or regarded as inconclusive by those of the Majority Text persuasion. .... Lucian did something significant with the texts of both Old and New Testament. Whether Lucian's work can be considered a recension is another matter. But whatever the case, the history of the Byzantine tradition was appreciably affected, a fact which cannot be ignored. (p. 241-242)
The Antiochan text corresponds to Westcott and Hort's Syrian Text. The text is supported by Antiochan Greek manuscripts, quotations from Syrian Church Fathers, and the Syriac translations. It is the ancestor of the Byzantine text which is the result of a fourth century recension (or equivalent). (p. 192)
The Byzantine tradition seems to have developed in two stages. Probably in the late third century, the Christian community in Antioch, in Syria, attempted to restore the text of its Greek New Testament. This restoration may be likened to the recension Lucian made of the Greek Old Testament, since the texts of the Old and New Testaments were not isolated from one another in the early churches. (p. 143) with note lauding Metzger and Aland
Likewise, evidence from just one book does not determine the history of the entire text tradition, but confirming evidence from nearly all the New Testament books relegates the Byzantine Text into the category of a late recension. (p. 458)
Robinson claims to be a true follower of Burgon, but his view is not without its flaws. It has its built-in biases. His reconstruction of history presupposes, contrary to some evidence, that the Byzantine tradition did not originate through a recension, although he admits that all surviving witnesses from the second and third century are badly mixed—a condition that strongly suggests a later recension. (p. 241)
James Price follows the 1963 paper of Metzger, where Metzger took a kitchen sink approach to most any reference regarding Lucian and worked largely by inference from non-evidence. (In fact, Metzger tried to emphasize as a specific evidence the Illustrious Lives Lucianea reference, based on the plural of Scripture!)
Price is far less a word-parsing master than Metzger. Thus he bypasses the Metzger equivocations and makes a number of bold, false, unsupported claims. Giving us a situation where the Price is not right.
(Note: James Price pulled some other super-doozies in the book referenced.)
Alan Kurschner
Writing on the James White website, Kurshner is a de facto Lucian recension proponent, while keeping the name Lucian hush-hush, mush-mush. (Afaik, White has not drunk the Lucian recension scholarly kool-aid.)
The emergence of the Byzantine text (again, what is roughly the basis behind the King James Version) can be explained as a conflation around the turn of the fourth century in the corner of the Byzantine region. - Alan Kurschner 4-19-2007 5-28-2007
[TC-Alternate-list] Alan Kurschner and the Byzantine Text
James Snapp - August 14, 2013
And you thought the Lucianic Recension theory was dead. Behold; it has risen from the dead!
Karen Jobes, Moses Silva
With Jobes and Silva you can wink at it a bit since the NT is not their bailiwick. Still it is a mess and the editor,Merrill C. Tenney, should have caught the error.
====================================The Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible, Volume 5: Revised Full-Color Edition, Volume 5 (2010)
Karen Jobes, Moses Silva
B. The Lucianic Recension
The revision commonly attributed to Lucian, or more vaguely to the Syrian church, is especially evident in the book of Psalms and in the NT Indeed, most of the surviving MSS that include either of those two portions of the Greek Bible contain a revised text that is somewhat fuller--and sttylistically more homogeneous--than other text forms. Whether or noot Lucian was responsible for this work, it is generally agreed that the revision can be traced back to Antioch around the year 300. ... The most difficult and important problem related to this recension has to do with the presence of "Lucianic" readings attested long before Lucian lived....
Sidney Jellicoe
With some nuance and equivocation, Jellicoe was still able to follow the errors of Hort and Streeter.
The Septuagint and Modern Study (1968)
Sidney Jellicoe
Lucian and his Recension
Chrysostom ... Much of his extensive writings has survived, and provides par excellence the patristic evidence for the recension of Lucian, a revision which constitutes the starting-point of Westcott and Hort's epoch-making theory of the textual criticism of the New Testament. (p. 158)...
There are, however, much stronger grounds for identifying the 'Syrian' recension with Lucian than the Hesychian with the Egyptian bishop. ... The Lucianic presents a fuller text, which is further amplified by conflate readings--characteristicss of this recension which extend also to the Old Testament. .....
In the light of more recent evidence, however, 'new variant' may have to be discarded as a misnomer, and 'conjectural emendation' give place to other early variants known to and adopted by the recensionist, thus further validating Burkitt's judgement, that both the Antiochian text of the New Testament and Lucian's recension of the Old are 'texts composed out of ancient elements welded together and polished down'.
Is the Lucian recension dead in the more informed scholarly circles? The recent, 1995, Aland flip, is a pointer in that direction. A review of textual articles, textualcriticism forum discussions, and such, may be less clear.
My point here is that in real-world Bible discussion, the Lucian recension is very much alive. If some or all of Comfort, Elliott, Wallace and Bruce made clear public statements renouncing the idea, that would be helpful.
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