The Sycophant Lycurgus - Hermas - Uranios - does it exist? - Memnon - Four Theological Writings

Steven Avery

From Stewart

Maybe it was embedded in the Theological Writings with all sorts of Hermas stuff?
However, I don't remember anything like that there.
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Steven Avery

able to Simonides.

It was reported by Tissendorf that there was a deception in the manuscript of Hermas, and that the deception was evidently intended to mislead. A controversy arose in consequence, in which Tissendorf was supported by Lycurgus; and Simonides, who was greatly enraged against Lycurgus, published a pamphlet under the title of The Sycophant Lycurgus,” and in which lie explained the whole matter, and put his adversaries to shame by showing that the manuscript Hermas was correct and that the common Latin translations from which it differed had been made, not in accordance with the Greek originals, but to suit the views of the Latin translators, who had put into the mouth of the Apostolic Father Hermas doctrinal opinions quite inconsistent with the apostolical announce
ment, but eminently calculated to strengthen the position of the Church to which the translators belonged.

p. 16

Steven Avery

Asked Pasquale Massimo Pinto


It could be in
Pasquale Massimo Pinto [...]

In the aforesaid - first and only - issue of his journal Memnon, Simonides, after a very sharp pamphlet against his opponents Lycurgos and Tischendorf, synoptically compared his various Greek versions of Hermas in an appendix; he also gives minimal dates for each of the four Greek texts presented. Columns 3 and 4 of his synoptic edition each present a palimpsest, the following is stated about the last one (the much-cited Leipzig palimpsest):

Steven Avery

More to CARM


Biographical Memoir, Page 25, publication number 15 says: "Lycurgus the Slanderer", which is missing, unfortunately, from Page 12 of his Greek language list in his "The Periplus of Hannon," in 1864.

Which if it was, could possibly be (as pointed out previously): ὁ Λυκοῦργος ὁ Διάβολος "Lycurgos the Slanderer [Or: "the Devil"]"

Or, more probably, ὁ Λυκοῦργος ὁ Σῡκοφᾰ́ντης "Lycurgus the Slanderer" or ὁ Σῡκοφᾰ́ντης Λυκοῦργος "The Sycophant Lycurgos".


Biographical Memoir, Page 16 "The Sycophant Lycurgus"

Biographical Memoir, Page 25, "Lycurgus the Slanderer"

Simonides has also prepared for publication a large number of
works, and measures have been taken to forward their pro-
gress through the pres9. Among the numerous productions
of this fertile author will be found the following:




Constantine Simonides
Κωνσταντίνος Σιμωνίδης
Konstantíne Simonídis
Константин Симонидес
Константин Симонидис (1824? - 1890?)
“σιμωνίδες κονσταντίνης”
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Steven Avery


"Λυκοῦργος" " Σιμωνίδης" "Ἑρμᾶ"

σιν ὀφείλει ὁ Λυκοῦργος εἰς τὸν διαβεβοημένου πλαστογράφου Κων. Σε μωνίδην ... 529 λέγει, ὅτι «ο Σιμωνίδης κατασκευάσας τὸ σύγγραμμα τοῦ Ἑρμᾶ ἐπώλη σεν ...

What does Lykorgos owe to the notorious forger Kon. In Monidine
... 529 he says, that "Simonides constructed the book of Hermas and sold it to ...

22 pages

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