why the inconsistent colouring of the London 1859 Sinaiticus leaves?
Tischendorf notes the inconsistency between 1859 leaves.
(There is also inconsistency within the individual leaves,)
This is never stated for the 1844 leaves.
Page XVII [Page 5, Google Books] Tischendorf's "Prolegomena cum Commentario", Subheading II., un his Notitia (published in 1860).
"Membrana codicis non tam alba quam sufflava est, magnaque ubique laevitate et subtilitate, quamvis singula folia satis inter se differant."
"The parchment of the Codex is not so much white [Or: "gray" "pearl" "pale"] as it is a yellow-ish [Or: "blond"] color, present everywhere is a lightness and fineness of texture, although the individual leaves are quite different from one another."
TNC accepted this Tischendorf description as true. And it can be seen on the Codex Sinaiticus Project of 2009.
And then TNC theorized that this description actually triggered the intense and repeated 1862-1863 accusations of colouring and staining by Simonides and Kallinikos. Highly unlikely, but not the main point of this thread.
What caused the inconsistent colouring?
If it was not caused by the artificial colouring, what was the cause?
Are there other unstained manuscripts where the parchment is given this description?
And would the description fit well for other manuscripts known, or highly suspected, to be stained in order to help the manuscript appear old, “yellow with age”?
There are examples in various spots, including the Simonides “tobacco water” manuscripts.
Your thoughts?