Antonio de Nebrija.

Steven Avery

Antonio de Nebrija - (1441-1522)
Antonio de Nebrija (1444 – 5 July 1522) was the most influential Spanish humanist of his era. He wrote poetry, commented on literary works, and encouraged the study of classical languages and literature, but his most important contributions were in the fields of grammar and lexicography. Nebrija was the author of the Spanish Grammar (Gramática de la lengua castellana, 1492) and the first dictionary of the Spanish language (1495).

Nebrija may not have any specific heavenly witnesses involvement except the possibility mentioned with the Complutensian Polyglot.

Raising the Ghost of Arius
Complutensian bible was being established for print, notes which Jerry Bentley tentatively ascribed to Demetrius Ducas and Elio Antonio de Nebrija.

Biblical humanism and scholasticism in the age of Erasmus (2008)
p. 57-72

Humanism and the Bible in the Renaissance Spain and Italy: Antonio de Nebrija (1441-1522)
David Coles

The New Cambridge Modern History: 1713-63. The Old Regime. volume VII (1957)
Learning and Education in Western Europe from 1470 to 1520
Nebrija and Spanish Humanism
R. Weiss - Professor of Italian in the University of London

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