Steven Avery
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Manuscripts of the Greek Bible:
An Introduction to Greek Paleography
BRUCE M. METZGER, 1981, p.68
Luke 16:9-21. Gregory-Aland P75. Early iii cent.
This goes a long way, as A. W. Adams remarks, 'to showing that the B-type of text was already in existence in Egypt, and in a relatively pure form, before the end of the second century. If so, the view, much canvassed in recent years, that the Alexandrian text-type was a third or fourth century recension—i.e. a deliberately revised or "made" text formed out of the "popular" texts of the second century—will need considerable revision.' [1]
[1] F. G. Kenyon, The Text of the Greek Bible, 3rd ed., revised and augmented by A. W. Adams (London, 1975), P. 77.