"deeply entrenched in the scholarship" .. rational discussion .. canonical .. incapable of challenge

Steven Avery


The following very astute observation was sent to me in August, 2014, by a scholar who has worked with mss and has worked with Sinaiticus:

As for how we "know" Sinaiticus is from the 4th century, this is actually something I have wondered myself, but this dating seems too deeply entrenched in the scholarship of early Christianity to have a rational discussion about it. I have no proof of any sort it is dated later, and the 4th century dating may well be right, but it seems to me an example of a the sort of thing which becomes "canonical" at a very early date in the history of modern scholarship, and then becomes virtually incapable of challenge, because so many things are built upon that.

this dating seems too deeply entrenched in the scholarship of early Christianity to have a rational discussion about it.

"canonical" at a very early date in the history of modern scholarship, and then becomes virtually incapable of challenge,


This gets right to the heart of the difficulty that the modern scholars and lay writers have in simply considering the evidences, the "facts on the ground" now available. The a priori assumption and presumption is "impossible".

However, today is a new day. The challenges are clear and powerful.