Dec 29, 2022
Discussion of cafe homestead burning down.
John Dynis 2:56 Pm
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3:00 = 30:47
Questioners start 34:25
Challis, Idaho - is that Kevin rumsey or Gabe barbieri with beard? Who was jabbed ?
38:20 -41:05 psychology or Christian counseling - absurd quote from Asi - Denny was great on this. Psychoheresy
41:10. Is speaking in tongues a charismatic deception?
OT prophets not receiving Holy Spirit - foretold Isaiah 28:11 stammering lips sabbath
Joel - pour out Spirit all flesh
Nicodemus - metapher (sic) metaphorical metaphorically
42:18 DKW1bb25mGQ?t=2538
45:20 Peter - this was spoken by the prophet Joel
Leads to Acts 2 “broadly inclusive language”
No interpretation - heard in his own lines - miracle of interpretation
Acts 10 to Gentiles - the Holy Spirit, not the Gift of tongues, is Gift of Holy Spirit
49:00 do all have knowledge
Gift of tongues is prophecy added for unbelief in church
50:00 tongues men angels
51:00 speaking in tongues is sign new birth has occurred
(no water as part)
51:20 “A less obnoxious sign” “so distasteful”
52:10 Ephesus - “did you receive” acts Cornelius - Philip believed baptized Peter John come
“More astounding=ing than the baptism”. “Do not forbid speaking in tongues… ignorant, liar fraud”
54:45 - “distasteful mess, most unruly member”
55:20 3 part
Firefighter marines police
Noble profession
Asi ignores military killing issue. For me it would be sin.
57:50 - lives by the sword
Self-defense just is not murder unjust - Matthew19