Evangel Life Ministries

Steven Avery

Here is the real scripture.

Hebrews 10:24 (AV)
And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:

At 1:25:15. you use a corruption worldly translation that speaks of “let us consider how to stimulate one another...”.and then “good practices”.

Why not fully embrace the Authorized Version (KJB) and avoid the corruption mangling, in translation and text.

Steven Avery

Hi Abagail!

Actually we know him as Jesus, as you can see in the Authorized Version.

Matthew 1:21 (AV)
And she shall bring forth a son,
and thou shalt call his name JESUS:
for he shall save his people from their sins.

Yahshua is a gibberish word that was made up by USA sacred namers in the 1930s, because they wanted to match their Yahweh error (true name Jehovah).

If you really wanted the Hebrew equivalent for Jesus you would use Yeshua or Yehoshua (long form). Why Homestead Heritage went to Yahshua, even in water baptism, is a great puzzle.

Blessings and grace in Jesus name!

Steven (Avery) Spencer
Dutchess County, NY USA




Steven Avery

Dec 29, 2022

Discussion of cafe homestead burning down.
John Dynis 2:56 Pm
Back to music
3:00 = 30:47
Questioners start 34:25
Challis, Idaho - is that Kevin rumsey or Gabe barbieri with beard? Who was jabbed ?
38:20 -41:05 psychology or Christian counseling - absurd quote from Asi - Denny was great on this. Psychoheresy

41:10. Is speaking in tongues a charismatic deception?
OT prophets not receiving Holy Spirit - foretold Isaiah 28:11 stammering lips sabbath
Joel - pour out Spirit all flesh
Nicodemus - metapher (sic) metaphorical metaphorically
https://youtu.be/ DKW1bb25mGQ?t=2538
45:20 Peter - this was spoken by the prophet Joel
Leads to Acts 2 “broadly inclusive language”
No interpretation - heard in his own lines - miracle of interpretation
Acts 10 to Gentiles - the Holy Spirit, not the Gift of tongues, is Gift of Holy Spirit
49:00 do all have knowledge
Gift of tongues is prophecy added for unbelief in church
50:00 tongues men angels

51:00 speaking in tongues is sign new birth has occurred (no water as part)
51:20 “A less obnoxious sign” “so distasteful”
52:10 Ephesus - “did you receive” acts Cornelius - Philip believed baptized Peter John come
“More astounding=ing than the baptism”. “Do not forbid speaking in tongues… ignorant, liar fraud”
54:45 - “distasteful mess, most unruly member”

55:20 3 part
Firefighter marines police
Noble profession
Asi ignores military killing issue. For me it would be sin.
57:50 - lives by the sword
Self-defense just is not murder unjust - Matthew19
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