Steven Avery
After 2000, as the corruption version situation kept deteriorating, the "scholarship" at Homestead Heritage deteriorated as an attempted apologetic for the confusions.
You can also see it in their insistence that the versions should have errors, so that you will go to the ministry as the true fount, as described here:
? ? copyist and similar errors may appear, but there are enough manuscripts to ensure that the Holy Spirit can lead us to the correct copy and why would God ever want to give us a Word so completely free of such minor errors that we could rely on it apart from relationship with God??
All this is described on other threads, It is this amazing boomerang attack that is being noted here.
"continually pick and choose for themselves what is and what is not true in the Bible... no other God than themselves"
With Homestead Heritage, the continually dance around the hundreds of major version differences, picking and choosing, and allowing themselves to use pure Bible and corruption versions interchangeably. Then, with the corruption versions, they dance around a dozen or so conflicting translations. Picking and choosing what will be considered true, what is the Bible truth that they are declaring, by trying to match the versions up to what the anointed ministry is declaring. Thus the God of truth is in their rhema, not in the infallible, pure and perfect scriptures.
Yet this clearly applies directly to the squishy and weak position of Homestead Heritage. And to their ongoing policy of version smorgasbording.The Bible
Is it or Is It Not God?s Word and the Divine Measure of Truth for Human Lives? -2006
?Those who continually pick and choose for themselves what is and what is not true in the Bible really have no other God than themselves, for they reserve for themselves the place of ultimate authority as the last court of appeal concerning the veracity and validity of anything contained in the Bible?
You can also see it in their insistence that the versions should have errors, so that you will go to the ministry as the true fount, as described here:
? ? copyist and similar errors may appear, but there are enough manuscripts to ensure that the Holy Spirit can lead us to the correct copy and why would God ever want to give us a Word so completely free of such minor errors that we could rely on it apart from relationship with God??
All this is described on other threads, It is this amazing boomerang attack that is being noted here.
"continually pick and choose for themselves what is and what is not true in the Bible... no other God than themselves"
With Homestead Heritage, the continually dance around the hundreds of major version differences, picking and choosing, and allowing themselves to use pure Bible and corruption versions interchangeably. Then, with the corruption versions, they dance around a dozen or so conflicting translations. Picking and choosing what will be considered true, what is the Bible truth that they are declaring, by trying to match the versions up to what the anointed ministry is declaring. Thus the God of truth is in their rhema, not in the infallible, pure and perfect scriptures.