July 2024 - Christine Massey in Patrick Delaney article - Scientists challenge fundamental precepts of virology. Do viruses even exist?

Steven Avery

Scientists challenge fundamental precepts of virology. Do viruses even exist?

Facebook - Christine Massey

7 spots discuss virus replication (and the lack of evidence)

Additionally, a viral particle must be tested to “fulfill defined physical and biological properties including, being a replication-competent intracellular parasite, meaning it results in identical copies of itself inside a host organism, and (is) also capable of causing disease in a host such as a human,” Falconer explains.

Furthermore, as stipulated in a document where Cowan is a primary author titled “Settling the Virus Debate” (SVD), the point is made that similarly described particles called exosomes “have been successfully isolated through purification [but] have not been shown to be replication-competent, infectious and disease-causing, hence they cannot be said to be viruses.”

“And on that basis, they declared that there was a novel coronavirus when there’s nowhere in that paper that shows anything that replicates, that shows anything that is infectious, and there’s certainly no evidence that these genetic sequences that they published came from inside any particle that they claim to have identified,” he said.

“So this is the kind of pseudoscience we’re talking about when they are making declarations of isolation. They have done nothing of the sort, and we can only encourage Peter to read the work that all of us have done,” he continued. “We go through these [many] methodologies and show why they are unscientific and why they don’t show the existence of replication-competent intracellular parasites.”

Electron microscopy imaged particles have never been ‘shown to be replication-competent or disease-causing in nature,’ and thus cannot be said to be ‘viruses’

“They have fallen for one of virology’s oldest tricks: what we call the ‘point and declare’ scam. None of these imaged particles have ever been shown to be replication-competent or disease-causing in nature. And none of them have been characterised to see what, if any, genetic material they contain,” she explained.

Indeed, “There are no particles that have ever been shown to be replication-competent and pathogenic to fulfil this imaginary concept” of a virus.
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Steven Avery

see group think article

Michael Yeadon on group-think consensus - The numbers don’t make it correct.

Skeptics simply seek ‘proper scientific controlled experiments’ to demonstrate ‘viruses’ act as defined


My initial concerns are mainly with the attempt to pretend that lots of papers asserting the same unproven thing bolsters the unproven claim. It simply doesn’t.

Back in the day when people thought the earth was stationary and the sun orbited earth, had there then been ‘peer reviewed papers,’ all the reviewers would pass papers on earth centric systems. The numbers don’t make it correct. Merely that once group think sets in, almost everyone will interpret evidence in that light. This continues until unequivocal evidence emerges to counter the errors of thinking.
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Steven Avery


Thanks, Patrick Delaney, interesting article!

7 times the article mentions the replication theories on the "viruses" (which is that they hijack the host's cellular functions to force the virus replication). This hijacking is a fundamental theory of virology, without it the science does not exist. They would have to search for a new paradigm.

If virology was actually a science using the scientific method, we would have seminal, reproducible, non-circular experiment(s) that established that this extraordinary, amazing theory had any validity at all. Extraordinary theories require extraordinary proof. Where would a dead/inactive virus get the "intelligence" to enter a cell and then ... zoom ... take over the functions of the cell! (Millions of viruses, wide variety of cells.) The authors and names and dates of these studies would be highlighted! In the charts with great moments of virology, they would be clearly marked.

However, no such study exists. The hijacking theory only became accepted as science by a mixture of osmosis, circularity and convenience. (Convenient especially for the pharma-$$$ that are generated by the "vaccines" that counter the "viruses".)

Thus, virology is a sham pseudo-science.
Show us the experiments that establish the hijacking and the science might have a starting point.

Now, the no-virus theorists like to emphasize:


the lack of isolation, purification and identification (generally not from actual infected people)

the lack of disease causation

the lack of transmission


These are all sound, but I would say that the scientific lacuna about the cell hijacking theory is in some ways the most fundamental virology fail. It means that virology cannot claim to be a science. And I am a bit puzzled why Tom Cowan, Mark and Samantha Bailey et. al have not given this point high emphasis. When I have approached virus defenders, their dancing around has been quite humorous.


Steven Avery
Dutchess County, NY USA
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