manuscript notes from the early 1860s - monogram, Latinization - mu and omega

Steven Avery

This may have been written by Benjamin Harris Cowper. Scrivener is another possibiilty.

Another speciality which will have to be considered is the contractions or monograms which are to be found in certain positions, and so far as we can ascertain, in the same positions as the variants above named. For these contractions and monogrammatic forms, Dr. Tischendorf has found it desirable to cast special types. We have observed eight or ten of these combinations, some of which are certainly very ancient, but of others we know nothing.

Journal of Sacred Literature

Every one is aware that towards the end of a line some letters are often much smaller than others; and it is so here. This is not what we mean. We refer to certain letters of the alphabet, as mu and omega, which vary in a most remarkable manner. Towards the end of a line they not unfrequently belong to quite a different type. For instance the mu, instead of being like our capital M, is frequently made almost exactly as in the Dublin Codex; and the omega is often made in quite an exceptional manner.
this is the issue of the "Coptic mu" - and more


Upon one page of the fac-similes we find a copy of an inscription by one Dionysius,—no doubt the Dionysius to whom we owe the one of the same name, whom Mr. Simonides calls the "professional caligrapher” of Panteleemon, at Mount Athos. This Dionysius wrote a wretched, crabbed, cursive hand, and was undoubtedly among the living many centuries back. There is another autograph of one Hilarion, and to this we trace the "Deacon Hilarion” of Simonides. But Hilarion also has unquestionably been among the blessed for several hundred years. There are also other autographs which we pass over at present. p. 5
The idea being broached here is that Simonides choice those names for Athos people to match up with names in Simoindes.

p. 7 and 8 involves termination letters
