my note to James DeMeo - CDC data dump 250k to all cause mortality

Steven Avery

My Goal #1

is there a sensible explanation for the data dump?


Greetings James.

Great paper. Celia recommended I read the full paper. And p. 37-38 remains the critical issue about what looks like the CDC data dump. Any pushback or explanations there?

You report.

"As CDC-confirmed Covid-19 deaths increased during the April 2020 peak, most all other causes of death declined, indicating a shifting of other diseases into the Covid-19 category."

The spike was mostly April and May. With edges in June, if I remember right.

Denis Rancourt wrote and spoke about the ACM in his June paper:

"All-cause mortality during COVID-19: No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response"

Due to the edgy title, and lack of specific supports of the homicide, I can understand bypassing the paper.

Putting that aside, is the April-May spike based on rather massive hospital and nursing home mistreatment, iatrogenic? Including the ventilator murder machines? (Where Cameron Kyle-Sidell was a hero around April 4, likely saving thousands of lives.)

And the suppression of working therapies like HCQ with zinc, etc. Or budesonide. Has radiation and 5G been a factor? Were the great majority of deaths simply people whose life expectancy was exceedingly short do to co-morbidities?

Precisely why the large c. 100k spike?
These questions still remain.


Steven (Avery) Spencer
Hyde Park, NY
(347) 218-3306
(520) 442-3322 - Talkatone, great for text

5 days

James DeMeo
Thanks Steven, Good points you made. I have a Supplemental Information file uploaded with the original, please consult that on some of the CDC data issues. It goes into the late year data dump, and other related issues. And thank you! James DeMeo.

5 days

Pure Bible
Thanks! I found the Supplemental Information 4 pages on Researchgate. I think just takes you back to the paper itself. Reading it from Researchgate now.

5 days

Pure Bible
Hi James,

A few more thoughts!


State sub-breakdown of ACM? Or any other ACM breakdown?
That would help with the data dump issue, which really is a #1 integrity question.


For my studies, ACM is the only good measure, nothing involving Covid can be accurate. And ACM should be higher due to lockdowns, isolation, surgeries skipped, ventilator murders, arguably 5G, etc. However, I realize you have to work with the COVID, pneumonia, etc. data.


"They claim PCR is detecting only living virus."

"PCR assays can detect live virus or dead virus or fragments of virus."


In supplement, I think States
Underscore is needed between United and States. (Or just United works too.)

And I suggest you put the title of a page on the line above the url. It helps in finding the page on the net when the url changes. Sometimes the title is in the url, but often not.


You do hit many superb points in the Supplement.

Others could be added, e.g. the permanent pharma-fascist governmental bureaucracy, employing hundreds of thousands, contact tracing, testing etc. Once such a system is in place, it is self-perpetuating. (You do touch on this in #8.)


And I see you are careful with the wording, there are some cases where you are implying agreement with virus life-cycle theory :) e.g.

"Electron micrograph images of claimed SARS-CoV-2 are not so clearly distinguishable from other corona viruses typical of influenza, pneumonia or other respiratory disease."


And I put a lot of my stuff on which has a shamdemic section. It is more note-keeping than rigorous.



Grace and peace,
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Steven Avery

Celia Ingrid Farber - uncoverdc



James DeMeo blog


James DeMeo post on Gatestone Institute



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