navigating the Codex Sinaiticus Project (CSP) pictures and data - where are the Leipzig CFA quires?

Steven Avery

Codex Frederico-Augustanus (CFA) pages - "white parchment" contiguous to "yellow in age"

British Library (BL) is what went to St. Petersburg in 1859, yellow with age.

Leipzig University Library is what went to Leipzig in 1844, and is white parchment, the condition of the whole ms as seen by Uspensky in 1845

The following page urls are based on the sequential place in the CSP, which attempts to be sequential in production.

Notice that the 43 leaves are 5 full quires and a part of a sixth quire. And the five quires are from two distinct spots, and the three from a split quire were adjacent to one of the full quire. This supports the idea that the leaves were intact in binding when taken by Tischendorf, rather than loose in a basket to be burned. (Another interpretation is possible, albeit difficult, that Tischendorf tried hard to reconstruct the loose leaves into full quires.)

There are four contiguous points, including the one that the British Library noted as a "stricking example" of the contrast.


British Library - last page of one quire, #34, before the one taken by Tischendorf.
This is known as a (duplicate)

Duplicate meaning:
This is because of an apparent error that occurred in the production of the ms and concluded from the "three crosses" note that is dated to c. the 8th century, if the ms. is ancient.
The proposed second matching part is not extant. However, see the New Finds section below (thread on this anomaly planned). WIP

QUIRE 34 - BL (only last leaf)

Quire 34 Folio 8 recto
( Q34-8r )
1 Chronicles (duplicate), 9:27 - 10:11 library: BL folio: 1 scribe: A

Quire 34 Folio 8 verso ( Q34-8v )
1 Chronicles (duplicate), 10:11 - 11:22 library: BL folio: 1b scribe: A


Contiguous to:

BEGIN QUIRE 35 - all LUL 16 pages (1-16) - CFA

Leipzig University Library (LUL) - first page of quire #35, the full quire, 4 leaves, 8 Folios, 16 pages, taken by Tischendorf in 1844 (CFA #1-16)
This is known as a (duplicate).

1 Chronicles (duplicate), 11:22 - 12:18 library: LUL folio: i scribe: A

Quire 35 Folio 1 recto ( Q35-1r )

The next is #8 of the 16 in the quire and #4 of the CFA-43, and has the "three crosses" note. 2 Esdras relates to Nehemiah, that is another anomaly.
This is the end of the section called a Chronicles (duplicate).

1 Chronicles (duplicate), 18:15 - 19:17 / 2 Esdras, 9:9 - 9:11 library: LUL folio: iv_v scribe: A

Quire 35 Folio 4 verso ( Q35-4v )

The next is #16 of the 16 in the quire and #8 of the CFA-43.

2 Esdras, 16:7 - 17:14 library: LUL folio: viii_v scribe: A

Quire 35 Folio 8 verso ( Q35-8v )



BEGIN QUIRE 36 - 16 pages (17-32) - all LUL - CFA

Leipzig University Library (LUL) - first page of quire #36, the full quire, 4 leaves, 8 folios, 16 pages, taken by Tischendorf in 1844 (CFA #17-32)

2 Esdras, 17:14 - 17:67 library: LUL folio: ix scribe: A

Quire 36 Folio 1 recto ( Q36-1r )


The next is #9 of the 16 in the quire 36. And #13 of the CFA-43. End of 2 Esdras note.

2 Esdras, 23:15 - 23:31 / Esther, 1:1a - 1:1 library: LUL folio: xiii scribe: A
Quire 36 Folio 5 recto ( Q36-5r )


The next is #16 of the 16 pages in the quire 36. And #16 of the CFA-43.

Esther, 5:2a - 6:11 library: LUL folio: xvi_v scribe: A
Quire 36 Folio 8 verso ( Q36-8v )


BEGIN QUIRE 37 - 6 pages (33-38) - first 3 of 8 folio LUL - then 5 of 8 folio British Library

The next is #1 of the 16 pages in the quire 37. And #17-19 of the CFA-43.

Esther, 6:11 - 8:8 library: LUL folio: xvii scribe: A

Quire 37 Folio 1 recto ( Q37-1r )

Quire 37 Folio 3 recto ( Q37-3r )
Esther, 10:3f - 10:3l / Tobit, 1:1 - 1:7 library: LUL folio: xix scribe: A columns 1-2; D columns 3-4 - end of Esther note, Pamphilus, said to be 6th or 7th century

Quire 37 Folio 3 verso ( Q37-3v )
Tobit, 1:7 - 2:2 library: LUL folio: xix_v scribe: D

Contiguous to British Library - "striking example" per Cillian O'Hogan

Quire 37 Folio 4 recto ( Q37-4r )
Tobit, 2:2 - 3:6 library: BL folio: 2 scribe: D

Quire 37 Folio 8 recto ( Q37-8v )
Tobit, 11:17 - 13:2 library: BL folio: 6b scribe: D


The rest of 37 and all of 38 (excepting 38-8r-v) 39, 40, is BL. 41 has folio 1-4 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 is still BL
(and Russian washed-out page right in the middle of Judith)
Judith, 11:19 - 12:9 library: NLR folio: 0 156.1 = CSRU F4v scribe: D
38-8r and 8v is NLR from Uspensky or Tischendorf discovered in 1900s.
1 Maccabees
39-3v has a note a small note top of 1 Maccabees. 43-1-4 -- one is overwritten with funny top stuff. 43-2v 43-3r also overwriting. More on this later planned.
4 Maccabees
43-1r is wacky Isaiah, 1:1 - 1:27 library: BL folio: 42 scribe: B, overwriting by corrector d


Quire 46 Folio 8 recto ( Q46-8r )
Jeremiah, 9:20 - 10:25 library: BL folio: 73b scribe: B1


Contiguous to LUL

The leaves must have been taken as a full quire since the next page of the last LUL Section is Quire 47, in the middle of Jeremiah.

Note that David W. Daniels is the only writer who has pointed out the intact quires, and their significance, that went to Leipzig.

Is The "World's Oldest Bible" A Fake? (2018)
By David W. Daniels



BEGIN QUIRE 47 - 16 pages (39-54) all LUL - CFA - #20-27 of the CFA-43.
(again, full quire)

Quire 47 Folio 1 recto ( Q47-1r )
Jeremiah, 10:25 - 11:23 library: LUL folio: xx scribe: B1, overwriting by corrector d - white parchment yet faded and overwritten ink

Quire 47 Folio 8 verso ( Q47-8v )
Jeremiah, 26:14 - 27:9 library: LUL folio: xxvii_v scribe: B1, overwriting by corrector d

End Folio 47


BEGIN QUIRE 48 - 16 pages (55-70) - all LUL - CFA - #28-35 of the CFA-43.
(again, full quire)

Jeremiah, 27:9 - 27:33 library: LUL folio: xxviii scribe: B1
Quire 48 Folio 1 recto ( Q48-1r )

Jeremiah, 39:26 - 40:4 library: LUL folio: xxxv_v scribe: B1, overwriting by corrector d
Quire 48 Folio 8 verso ( Q48-8v )

End Folio 48


BEGIN QUIRE 49 - 16 pages (71-86) - all LUL - CFA - #36-43 of the CFA-43. (again, full quire)

Jeremiah, 40:4 - 41:9 library: LUL folio: xxxvi scribe: B1

Quire 49 Folio 1 recto ( Q49-1r )

Quire 49 Folio 8 recto ( Q49-8r )
Lamentations, 1:11 - 2:5 library: LUL folio: xliii scribe: B1

Quire 49 Folio 8 verso ( Q49-8v )
Lamentations, 2:5 - 2:20 library: LUL folio: xliii_v scribe: B1

Contiguous to BL quire 57 (no quire 50-56)

End of Quire 49 - end of LUL-CFA



Joel, 1:1 - 2:6 library: BL folio: 74 scribe: B2
Quire 57 Folio 1 recto ( Q57-1r )


Leipzig Summary
Quires 35-37 and 47-49

Quire 35 - all LUL - 16 pages (1-16) 1 Chronicles (duplicate), 11:22 —- 2 Esdras 17;14
Quire 36 - all LUL - 16 pages (17-32) 2 Esdras 17:14 —- Esther 6:11 - includes 2 Esdras colophon
Quire 37 - LUL - first 6 pages (33-38) -
Esther 6:11 to Tobit 2:2 - includes Esther colophon on last page
1-3 of 8 folio LUL - then 5 of 8 folio British Library

British Library in between section

Tobit starting at 2:2 -the "striking example" of colour disparity, British Library and Leipzig, pointed out by the BL is here.
1 Maccabees
4 Maccabees
Jeremiah to 10:25

Also the washed out (palimpsest?, colouring test?) Russian Judith page discovered in the 1900s.


Quire 47 - all LUL - 16 pages (39-54) - Jeremiah 10:25 to Jeremiah 27:9
Quire 48 - all LUL - 16 pages (55-70) - Jeremiah 27:9 to Jeremiah 40:4
Quire 49 - all LUL - 16 pages (71-86) - Jeremiah 40:4 to Lamentations 2:20

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Steven Avery

Shepherd of Hermas pages - New Finds and the controversies of the 1850s

Shepherd of Hermas - New Finds

Russia to England 1859 Sinaiticus text.

This came out with the claim that all we had knew about was 30% of Hermas.
Yet Uspensky gave no indication of an abbreviated text in 1845.

Shepherd of Hermas, 1:1 - 2:4 library: BL folio: 341 scribe: B2
Quire 93 Folio 1 recto ( Q93-1r )

Shepherd of Hermas, 25:2 - 27:6 library: BL folio: 346b scribe: B2
Quire 93 Folio 6 verso ( Q93-6v )


Anomalies Begin

The next folio includes material from Russia (NLR) , as well as what went to Russia to England in 1859. (BL)
Strongly supporting this as a place of tampering. And thus fragments ending up in New Finds.

One conjecture.
The problems that Tischendorf had trying to take a consistent position about the Simonides Hermas (remember, he even retracted his earlier accusation as erroneous) made it safer and expedient not to include the later parts of Hermas.

Shepherd of Hermas, 27:7 - 29:8 library: BL and NLR folio: 347 and Greek 843 = CSRU F6 scribe: B2
Quire 93 Folio 7 recto ( Q93-7r )

Shepherd of Hermas, 29:8 - 31:6 library: BL and NLR folio: 347b and Greek 843 = CSRU F6v
Quire 93 Folio 7 recto ( Q93-7v )


The next folio is missing, and then the next full quire, Q94. It had been thought that this was all, until the New Finds.

And the mixture and overlap of Uspensky material with New Finds is extremely strong evidence that the ms. material that got to New Finds got there in the 1840s-1850s.

(note: separately I will show more on the specifc overlap spots, this one above is one, more is in Genesis 23 and 24. The 1 Chronicles is also worthy of note, although not the same type of overlap. Also noteworthy is where there was searching for Simonides acrostrics or symbols.)


Material from 1 Quire toward end of Hermas found in 1975 New Finds.

Shepherd of Hermas, 65:5 - 66:6 library: SC folio: scribe: B2
Quire 95 Folio 1 recto ( Q95-1r )

Shepherd of Hermas, 93:6 - 95:5 library: SC folio: scribe: B2
Quire 95 Folio 1 verso ( Q95-8v )

Folio 96 would have been about half used, and was discarded, or missing.
Hermas goes up to about 110, I will check the number.


The superb Scottish scholar James Donaldson pointed out all sorts of linguistic anomalies in the theories of the Sinaiticus Hermas and Barnabas.
That is planned for a whole separate section of inquiry. Including the finding of the 1843 Barnabas.

We can add the need to check this now-extant (partial) back-end with the Simonides Hermas editions. (One or two.) The main one was published in 1856.

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Steven Avery

duplicate Chronicles shows up in the new finds

New Finds
- duplicate Chronicles section

Reconstructing Codex Sinaiticus
1. Locating the New Finds and St Petersburg fragments of the Heptateuch and 1 Chronicles and reconstructing the structure of the first 34 folios
The first large block of text in the manuscript begins at Quire 34, Folio 8r, which starts in 1 Chronicles 9.27. This is in fact within a block of text which had been copied by mistake, as the ‘Three crosses’ note on Quire 35, Folio 4v makes clear. [8] The repeat section of 1 Chronicles must have begun on Quire 34, Folio 6.
