New Light on Old Manuscripts - The Sinai Palimpsests and Other Advances in Palimpsest Studies - OPEN ACCESS

Steven Avery


New Light on Old Manuscripts
The Sinai Palimpsests and Other Advances in Palimpsest Studies

Claudia Rapp
Introduction .

Hieromonk Justin of Sinai
The Sinai Palimpsests: Piercing the Mists of Time ........................................................ 21

Saint Catherine’s Monastery and its Palimpsests

Michael B. Phelps
The Sinai Palimpsests Project (2011-2016): Goals, Methods, and Contributions ............................. 31

Claudia Rapp
A Cache of Palimpsests and Christian Manuscript Culture across the Medieval Mediterranean:
First Results of the Sinai Palimpsests Project............................................................ 39

Giulia Rossetto
Classical Texts among the Palimpsests of the Monastery of St. Catherine (Sinai): An Overview 55

Pasquale Orsini
Scritture, libri e testi greci: nuovi materiali dal Sinai ....................................................... 73

Michelle P. Brown
Arabic NF 8 and the Latin Manuscripts of St. Catherine’s Monastery in the Sinai ................................. 89

Grigory Kessel
A Catacomb of Syriac Texts: Codex Arabicus (Sin. ar. 514) Revisited............................................. 101

Alain J. Desreumaux
Le palimpseste Sin. syr. NF M56N du nouveau fonds de Sainte-Catherine : son apport a la codicologie
arameenne christo-palestinienne. aux versions anciennes des textes bibliques et a l’histoire de la liturgie ... 131

Christa Muller-Ressler
The Missing Quire of Codex Climaci rescriptus Containing 1-2 Corinthians in Christian
Palestinian Aramaic (Sin. syr. NF M38N) ........................................................................ 147

Bernard Outter
Decouvertes importantes dans des manuscrits palimpsestes du Sinai': CPANF Fragment 16,
Geo. NF 84-90 et Syr. NF Fragment 76 ..................................................................... 171

Zaza Aleksidze (f) and Dali Chitunashvili
Unknown Palimpsest of an Iadgari from the Sinai Collection of Georgian Manuscripts........................ 179

Jost Gippert
New Light on the Caucasian Albanian Palimpsests of St. Catherine’s Monastery............................... 187

Heinz Miklas
‘Excavating’ the Palimpsests in the Glagolitic Manuscripts from Sinai...................................... 217

Palimpsests and their Contexts
Ronny Vollandt
Palimpsests from the Cairo Genizah and the Qubbat al-Khazna in Damascus ................................ 231

Alba Fedeli
Deposits of Texts and Cultures in Qur anic Palimpsests: A Few Remarks on Objects and
Dynamics in Palimpsesting.................................................................................. 255

Andre Binggeli
Greek Palimpsests in the Patriarchal Library in Istanbul and the Making of a Palimpsest
in lS^-Century Constantinople ............................................................................ 283

Andreas Janke
Challenges in Working with Music Palimpsests.............................................................. 299

Palimpsests and their Contents
Jana Gruskova and Giuseppe De Gregorio
Neue palaographische Einblicke in einige palimpsestierte Handschriften aus den griechischen
Bestanden der Osterreichischen Nationalbibliothek......................................................... 317

Bernard H. Stolte
Editing the Basilica and the Role of Palimpsests. Vind. suppl. gr. 200 and the Transmission
of the Early Text...............................................................................

Felix Albrecht and Chiara Faraggiana di Sarzana
A Carbonized Septuagint Palimpsest of the Libri sapientiales in Biblical Majuscule.
Codex Taurinensis, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria. C.V.25 (Rahlfs-Ms. 3010):
Its Text and Context ....................................................................................... 355

Carla Fallxjomini, Simon Brenner, and Bernadette Fruhmann
New Light on the Gothic Palimpsest from Bologna............................................................. 373

Imaging and Processing Methods
Damianos Kasotakis
The Sinai Palimpsests Project: A View from the Imaging Room ................................................ 385

Keith T. Knox
Image Processing Methods that Reveal Erased Handwriting: Developments of the Last
Twro Decades ...............................................................................

Roger L. Easton, Jr. and David Kelbe
Multispectral Image Collection and Statistical Processing of Palimpsests
at St. Catherine’s Monastery.................................................................................... 407

Leif Glaser
X-Ray Fluorescence Investigations on Iron Gall Ink Writing: Equipment and Geometry.............................. 419

Irmgard Schuler
Imaging as a Diagnostic Tool for Manuscript Inspection....................................................... 431

Naima Afif, Siam Bhayro, Peter E. Pormann, William I. Sellers, and Natalia Smelova
GalenQt: A New Multispectral Imaging Tool for Recovering Lost Text and Its Use for the
Reconstruction of the Lacuna in Galen’s Simple Drugs, Book 8 ...............................

Management and Display
Doug Emery
Reflections on the Digital Palimpsest: Data Modelling and Data Management..................................... 465

Michael B. Toth
Dispersed Palimpsest Offers Digital Insight into St. Catherine’s Library ..................................... 475

Gregory Heyworth
From Technology to Text: Reading and Editing the Lacunose Manuscript.......................................... 489

Andras Nemeth
Interactive Learning in Palimpsest Research................................................................... 499
Index of Manuscripts

For constant and meticulous care in accompanying every step of this volume we gratefully acknowledge the
input of Christian Gastgeber. For copy-editing and typesetting, the editors are immensely grateful to Katharina
In general, and especially for the spelling of personal names, we follow the standards of the Oxford Dictio-
nary of Byzantium, ed. A. P. Kazhdan, A.-M. Talbot, 3 vols. (Oxford, 1991).
The most commonly used abbreviations are listed in the ‘List of Abbreviations’ on page 11 of this volume.

Steven Avery


Steven Avery

Hieromonk Justin of Sinai

Michael B. Phelps
EMEL enjoys a relationship of collaboration and mutual consultation with St. Catherine’s Monastery of the Sinai. St. Catherine’s Monastery, EMEL, and the UCLA Library collaborated in the Sinai Palimpsests Project, which used spectral imaging to recover erased texts from the monastery’s many palimpsests. The Monastery, EMEL, and the UCLA Library are now collaborating in the Sinai Library Digitization Project which is digitizing the Monastery’s unparalleled manuscript collection beginning with its Arabic and Syriac manuscripts.
Sinai Palimpsest
(Sinai thefts)
no direct contact (note Gregory Heyworth on ink)
involved with BAM , and with sensitive adjustments
has a diaspora site
(note that Peter Tarras has information in Collecting Clues that overlaps with Alba Fedeli and colophons)

Claudia Rapp
University of Vienna

Giulia Rossetto

Pasquale Orsini

Michelle P. Brown

Grigory Kessel

Alain J. Desreumaux (French)

Christa Muller-Ressler - Tischendorf theft?

Bernard Outter

Zaza Aleksidze (f) and Dali Chitunashvili

Jost Gippert

Heinz Miklas

Ronny Vollandt

Alba Fedeli - gal
p. 255-282
asked about Tischendorf thefts including Qu'ranic mss.
also Arabic
waiting on response

Andre Binggeli - Constantinople

Andreas Janke

Jana Gruskova and Giuseppe De Gregorio - German

Bernard H. Stolte

Felix Albrecht and Chiara Faraggiana di Sarzana - Taurinensis !

Carla Fallxjomini, Simon Brenner, and Bernadette Fruhmann

Imaging and Processing Methods

Damianos Kasotakis

Keith T. Knox

Roger L. Easton, Jr. and David Kelbe

Leif Glaser
X-Ray Fluorescence Investigations on Iron Gall Ink Writing: Equipment and Geometry.............................. 419

Irmgard Schuler

Naima Afif, Siam Bhayro, Peter E. Pormann, William I. Sellers, and Natalia Smelova

Management and Display

Doug Emery

Michael B. Toth
Dispersed Palimpsest Offers Digital Insight into St. Catherine’s Library ..................................... 475

Gregory Heyworth

Andras Nemeth

Index of Manuscripts

For constant and meticulous care in accompanying every step of this volume we gratefully acknowledge the
input of Christian Gastgeber. For copy-editing and typesetting, the editors are immensely grateful to Katharina
In general, and especially for the spelling of personal names, we follow the standards of the Oxford Dictio-
nary of Byzantium, ed. A. P. Kazhdan, A.-M. Talbot, 3 vols. (Oxford, 1991).
The most commonly used abbreviations are listed in the ‘List of Abbreviations’ on page 11 of this volume.
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