NF MG 32 - Sinai Palimpsest

Steven Avery


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Steven Avery


Fig. 19: Sin. gr. NF MG 32, fol. 5r: Job 14:22; Isaiah 42:4; Psalm 74:1; Exodus 6:28-29a; © St Catherine’s
Monastery, Mount Sinai.

When Sin. gr. NF MG 32 arrived in 2016, it turned out to be a palimpsest manu-
script which was sort of legible with multispectral images, but some parts of the
folios, being rather damaged, could be only joined from disjunctive pieces. The
CPA fragments contain sections of biblical pericopes from the Old Jerusalem Lec-
tionary, some of which had been hitherto unattested. The rubrics, however, which
are more of interest for liturgy studies, are unfortunately gone. Only one rubric
can still be seen, and from the others the red ink has vanished (Fig. 19), which is
often the case for this kind of ink. It is a deficiency in such early lectionary pal-
impsests that the rubrics cannot be extracted. It is further deplorable as the CPA
transmission can be considered the earliest secondary source after the missing
early Greek witnesses of the Old Jerusalem Lectionary. The folios are heavily
damaged fragments, and only a part of them survived."110

110 Müller-Kessler 2023c

Miiller-Kessler, Christa (2023c), The Early Jerusalem Lectionary Tradition in Christian Palestinian
Aramaic (5th—7th Centuries ad): Lections Containing Unattested Old and New Testament Perico-
pes in Unpublished Palimpsests (Sinai, Gr. NF MG 32; Georg. NF 19,71)’, Le Museon, 136:201-263.
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