note to Frank Visser about major developments in virology

Steven Avery

Frank Visser tries to defend the establishment narrative: Is SARS-CoV-2 the Phantom of the COVID-19 Opera?

The Corona Conspiracy, Part 30
Frank Visser


Hi Frank,
Thanks! I like your virology “major developments” chart. Could you supply a couple of missing links? Let’s put the emphasis on human, or at least primate, studies.

When, where, who were the studies that demonstrated that the inactive/dead RNA/DNA hijacked cell functions fo replication? And how were those studies replicated/repeated in rigorous peer review?

Or did this become modern dogma more by scholastic osmosis than science?

Similar questions can be asked about triggering illness and transmissional theories.

However, I would be very pleased if you gave the best answer to the hijack cell replication element, which is a rather amazing claim!
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Steven Avery

Earlier note in his comments

Stefan Lanka's Vanishing Virus Act
The Corona Conspiracy, Part 7
Frank Visser

Steven Avery · Oct 8, 2021
"Stefan Lanka ... seems to deny the existence of all kinds of viruses, except one, the so called bacteriophage ... he sees them ... of bacterial origin... "

Please, Frank, if they are bacterial they are NOT viruses, as defined today (look up the life cycle of the virus). A virus must rely on hijacking cellular functions for its reproduction, per the current theory. So the informed denial of Stefan Lanka is complete, there is no bacteriophage exception.

This virus hijacking theory goes against logic and has no science origin. Who first declared this for human disease? When and where? How was it peer reviewed? No one knows. It is dogma, not science.

Stefan Lanka and Andy Kaufman come out looking good after your review, as long as you ignore the possibility of New Age stuff.
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Steven Avery

Jabbing and vaccination theories are dependent on virus and transmission theory. If virus and transmission theories are false, there goes jabbing, masks, anti-social distancing and other techniques that are so popular today with totalitarian governments and pharma-$$ sources.
Per modern virus theory, involving the life-cycle of the virus, here is a chart with major developments in the technology of virus discovery.


[8] Morens, D.M. & Fauci, S.A., "Emerging Pandemic Diseases: How We Got to COVID-19", Cell, Volume 182, Issue 5, 3 September 2020, Pages 1077-1092.
The source of the chart is:
Is SARS-CoV-2 the Phantom of the COVID-19 Opera? The Corona Conspiracy, Part 30 Frank Visser
Frank Visser is a prolific writer and a defender of the establishment virology theories, attacking the "conspiracy theory" challenges from Stefan Lanka, Andrew Kaufman, John Rappoport and others, who are generally considered 'virus denialists'.
Looking at the chart, which is quite helpful, I noticed some gaping hole omissions, which I express in my questions to Frank Visser in the comments and in twitter, so far unanswered (slightly tweaked here.) =================================== COMMENTS QUESTION When, where, who were the studies that demonstrated that the inactive/dead RNA/DNA ('viruses') hijacked cell functions for replication? What were the evidences and proofs given? And how were those studies replicated/repeated in rigorous peer review.
Or did this become modern dogma more by scholastic osmosis than science?
Similar questions can be asked about triggering illness and transmissional theories.
However, I would be very pleased if you gave the best answer to the hijack cell replication element, which is a rather amazing claim!
Your thoughts and answers most welcome.
Steven Avery Dutchess County, NY, USA

Steven Avery


Steven Avery · 1 days ago
Frank Visser
"The only viruses he (Stefan Lanka) acknowledges to exist are bacteriophages ("bacterium eaters"), which he interpretes in his own peculiar way"

Here is a quote from Stefan Lanka:


Virology: State of the Art (2015)
Stefan Thomas Josef Lanka

The “bacteriophages”, correctly defined as incomplete mini spores and building blocks of the bacteria, have been scientifically isolated ...


That does not remotely sound like a foreign, external virus that hijacks bacteria replication, and which is part of a process that destroys bacteria.

So either you have some other material from Stefan Lanka, which you can share, or you are misrepresenting his position on bacteriophages, since he clearly does not see them as existing under the definition of viruses.


Steven Avery

Frank Visser · 16 hours ago
@Steven Avery,

Bacterial spores are orders of magnitudes bigger than viruses. They can be seen with a light microscope, viruses can’t. So Lanka is wrong here.

Check out Dan Wilson’s debunk of Lanka here:

@Frank Visser,

so you are agreeing that you misrepresented the position of Stefan Lanka, but you don't think it matters because a virologist says he is wrong, overall.

Why not represent his position accurately? Lanka does not accept that there are bacteriophage "viruses", as external agents that hijack bacteria replication functions. In fact, this was where his difference with the virology theories actually began and he is very clear about rejecting virus terminology in this analysis.


How dead are virus anyway?
All claims of Virus Existence Refuted
Die Wurzel interview - March 2020

Later, I learned that the term "virus" must not be used under any circumstances, because it means something like a disease- causing poison (within the refuted cell theory) which the organism itself would produce. Today, curious researchers know that biological life is created from those structures3 that are created by self-organisation. In bacteria, these structures are called phage4,

3 One of which I discovered, isolated and characterised and predicted by Günter Enderlein.

4 Bacteriophages


It is one thing to disagree, it is another to misrepresent.

Steven Avery
Dutchess County, NY USA
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Steven Avery

" the issue of replication. "

If virology was a science, built on reproducible experimentation, then the amazing theory of "viruses" hijacking cell replication functions would have been subject to an extraordinary scientific experimental proof.

This should have happened for primates including humans around 1955, when the theory was coming into the fore by osmosis.

Never happened. There is no explanation.

And I noticed this lacuna when looking at:

Table 1. Major developments in the technology of discovery (adapted from [8]).
The Corona Conspiracy, Part 30
Frank Visser

I wondered why they did not mention this amazing (non-existent) discovery!