unpublished text of the N.T. ... confidentially, and under pledges of strictest secrecy, placed in the hands of every member of the revising Body
Notes on the secrecy question and the W-H text
Andover Review
He alleges (p. xxx.) that the project of a Revision
“was eagerly snatched at by two irresponsible scholars of the University of Cambridge for obtaining the general sanction of the Revising body, and thus indirectly of Convocation, for a private venture of their own ; -- t
heir own privately devised revision of the Greek Text ”
speaks of their action as an endeavor
“by a side-wind to obtain for their own singular revision of the Greek text the sanction of the united body"
calls it
“a manoeuvre,” "a furtive production ” of their labors ; “a text which was kept close ; ”
“might be seen only by the Revisers, and even
they were tied down to secrecy;“
"under pledge that they should neither show nor communicate its contents to any one else;"
and the Dean adds,
“all this strikes us as painful in a high degree.”
Response attempt by Joseph Henry Thayer -
Andover Review - 1884
Review of Revision Revised
To specify a few of the facts bearing on this point which may be presumed to be familiar to any biblical student. Facts which occur to the present writer without research and without conference: Drs. Westcott and Hort in their Introduction (p 323) acknowledge the correction of a certain number of misprints in the first or private issue to have been furnished them by “correspondents in England, Germany, and America; ” their text was known and publicly characterized in Germany at least as early as 1875;1 was “freely used” by Dr. Moulton in liis second edition of Winer, the preface of which is dated in 1870; yes, as far back as 1859, Dr. C. J. Vaughan, in his first edition of the “Epistle to the Romans with Notes,” is “allowed by Mr. Westcott to anticipate the publication of that complete recension of the text of the New Testament on which lie has been for some time engaged ” . . .
So Thayer acknowledges that they were trying to push their new Greek text, and not simply update the AV, more than a decade before the Revision began. The rest of his response is rather irrelevant.
St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans (1870 edition)
Charles John Vaughn from
1859 Preface
Mr Westcott has thus allowed me to anticipate (with regard to this Epistle) the publication of that complete recension of the text of the New Testament, on which he has been for some time engaged.
Followed by a convoluted Note by Westcott.
“I traced the mischief home to its true authors - Drs. Westcott and Hort; a copy of whose unpublished text of the N.T. (the most vicious in existence) had been confidentially, and
under pledges of strictest secrecy, placed in the hands of every member of the revising Body ... Unaquainted with the difficult and delicate science of Textual Criticism, the Revisionists had, in an evil hour, surrendered themselves to Dr Hort’s guidance: had preferred his counsel to those of Prependary Scrivener, (an infinitely more trustworthy guide)”
The Revision Revised, Preface, pages xi and xii).
Geoff Dean
Revision Revised
Bibliotheca Sacra, Volume 78 (1921)
The Westcott and Hort Text Under Fire
William Wallace Everts
A fifth blunder was the secret sessions. There was no attempt to conciliate the public. No samples of the work were sent out for examination and criticism. The public was compelled to receive what the Revisers thought best to give them. Similar secrecy was maintained as to the Greek text which had been adopted. The Westcott and Hort text, which was confidentially laid before the Revisers, was not published until five days before the Revision was issued. Another suspicious circumstance was the declaration that the Apocrypha would be included in the Revision. The exclusion of the Apocrypha from all issues of the British and Foreign Bible Society had been in force for nearly fifty years. This was a reactionary move, which was sure to arouse the opposition of all who were devoted to the circulation of an unadulterated Bible.