Steven Avery

Euthymius Zigabenus and the Pericope Adulterae
A comment on this blog led me to wonder who Euthymius Zigabenus was, and then to write a Wikipedia article on him. He was a 12th century Byzantine monk and commentator on scripture. In the proces…

Jerry Clontz Dec 2, 2011
One theory is that the Nicolaitans et. al. used this passage to promote the concept that adultery was condoned by Christ. The Nicolaitans were an extremely early heresy and the passage in John may have been suppressed by early editors in order to avoid the polemics caused by the Nicolaitans. The Comprehensive New Testament shows the following cross references to the pericope – notice that Callistus, Jerome, Hippolytus, and Rufinus quote portions of it:
* John 7:53-8:11, Apostolic[Papias Fragment 3.17]
* John 7:53-8:11, Apostolic[Papias Fragment 23.1]
* John 7:53-8:11, Apostolic[Papias Fragment 26.1]
* John 8:3, Jerome[Against the Pelagians – Book 2.17]
* John 8:3, Hippolytus[Refutation of all Heresies Book 9.23]
* John 8:3-11, Eusebuis[Church History – Book 3.39.16]
* John 8:9, Rufinus[Apology – Book 1.44]
* John 8:11, Rufinus[Apology – Book 1.22]
* John 8:11, Callistus[Second Epistle 6.6]
* John 8:11, Constitutions of the Holy Apostles[Book 2.24]
* John 8:11, NT-Apocrypha[Freer Logion]
* John 8:11, NT-Apocrypha[Protoevangelium of James 16.2]
New to me
Hippolytus [Refutation of all Heresies Book 9.23]
Freer Logion
see if Eusebius is Papias
Rufinus was on Nazaroo - sesarch
Apostolic Constitutions on Nazaroo
Need to check Chrysostom!
Cyril of Alexandria or Theodore of Mopseustia - Georgi Parpulov
Burgon - ( error with Origen ) Chrysostom Cyril Apolinarius Theodore of Mopsuestia omission because not publicly read
Also has info on Metzger deception and plagiarism.