BCHF<br />
The Zosimas project is looking for the right Greek-reading-savvy individual, or two, who would love a fascinating Greek-textual project. A good logical mind in looking at textual relationships. Working various angles, and BCHF folks are welcome to chat about it with yours truly. On the forum, and privately, I am especially easy to chat on Facebook Messenger to start. Skype can be superb. About the reading-savvy, there are two different fonts involved, and a special section to utilize, so the ability to think about the words, and especially things like duplicate oddball errors, and homoeteleutons, is very helpful.<br />
<br />
There is no 'Sinaiticus position' requirement, just certain skills. If the person can be fair in analysis, even a position that starts as totally pro-authenticity can be fine. While it is often nice to work with people who can think 'outside the box', the project itself is rather straight-forward.<br />
<br />
2 Timothy 1:7<br />
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;<br />
but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.<br />
BCHF<br />
The Zosimas project is looking for the right Greek-reading-savvy individual, or two, who would love a fascinating Greek-textual project. A good logical mind in looking at textual relationships. Working various angles, and BCHF folks are welcome to chat about it with yours truly. On the forum, and privately, I am especially easy to chat on Facebook Messenger to start. Skype can be superb. About the reading-savvy, there are two different fonts involved, and a special section to utilize, so the ability to think about the words, and especially things like duplicate oddball errors, and homoeteleutons, is very helpful.<br />
<br />
There is no 'Sinaiticus position' requirement, just certain skills. If the person can be fair in analysis, even a position that starts as totally pro-authenticity can be fine. While it is often nice to work with people who can think 'outside the box', the project itself is rather straight-forward.<br />
<br />
2 Timothy 1:7<br />
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;<br />
but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.<br />