sabbath papers and books

Steven Avery


paper on 1800s studies - by Barry Rudolph Chesney

Sabbath in English Nonconformity 1830-1860 (2012)
Barry Rudolph Chesney, Jr. -

This paper has some good historical info, noting that it is largely based on transference. Separate histories would go into the 7th-day Baptists and similar movements. Note the short history beginning around p. 30 going back to the 1500s, and including John Gill, John Wesley and Andrew Fuller.


If Jesus focused so much of his attention on the Sabbath, why would it cease as an institution, asked Nonconformists? “[The Sabbath was] the constant theme of the Saviour’s ministry—miracles illustrate it—repeated discourses exhibit the true spirit of its observance; and by a constant appeal to first principles, he endeavours, as Lord of the Sabbath, to render it again a blessing to mankind.”105 Jesus, Nonconformists argued, observed the Sabbath, and exhibited its true purpose. Through his resurrection, he changed the day of its observance and secured its significance for Christians in every generation.106 - p. 58

106 Brock added,
“To undermine the perpetual obligation of the Sabbath is an offence to Christ. To maintain, consistently to maintain its perpetual obligation is honourable to Christ, wherefore it is of perpetual obligation. We are required to keep holy a Sabbath day” (Brock, Three Sermons, 11).
Then the writer goes into the transference apologetic. Those arguments are never really examined, they are simply accepted.

He mentions many authors, including Micaiah Hill, above. The Ellicott book is not mentioned, perhaps because he does not classify as a non-conformist.



Steven Avery


William Wallace Everts - The Sabbath: its perman..

The Sabbath: its permanence, promise and defence (1885)
William Wallace Everts (1814-1890)

This book has some good sections.
(The transference 'doctrine' apologetic is in p. 48-59, chapter IV.

On Abraham, p. 19 and 20

ECW - Chrysostom, Augustine, Ephiphaneas, Athanasius
Reformation - Ursinus

"daughter of Abraham" - p. 45

"As Abraham consecrated ever place of his sojourn by an altar; pious Hebrews built a synagogue wherever they built a hamlet; our Pilgrim fathers, making the Mayflower a Bethel on the first Sabbath of their arrival on the rocky New England coast, consecrated the New World to freedom and to God : so patriotism, philanthropy, and piety should unite in rearing the house of God in every town, village, rural district, and on every frontier of our extending Republic. As the shrine of hallowed associations of Sabbath, divine revelations, religious worship, and of sacred experiences of sorrow, gratitude, and hope let it attract the reverence, worship, charity, and feeling of brotherhood, and piety of all mankind, and transfigure the Sabbath rest into a foretaste and prophecy of heaven." - p. 251


There are few writers after 1900 that I have found interesting on the sabbath questions.

The Christian Sabbath - (1923) Arthur Wallington Pink (1886-1952) - referenced in two earlier threads
The Law and the Sabbath (1953) - Allen Walker
Samuele Bacchiocchi (1938-2008)
Sabbath through the centuries - James Arrabito (1950-1990) (possibly born later, some say 36 years old in 1990)

And I saw the WIP video of James Arrabito at Uchee Pines, I believe around 1988. A fellow named John Kiesz (1903-1996) has some Sabbath through the centuries material on the net as well.


Steven Avery

Re: 7th Day Sabbath not for New Testament believer


Originally Posted by Esaias View Post if historicist eschatology has anything to do with seventh day Sabbath keeping? Besides which, most historicists maintained the fourth commandment is still obligatory (although many of them transferred the obligation to the first day of the week).
In 2017, I recommended as a solid study followed by a last-second transference.


Originally Posted by Steven Avery View Post

Arthur Walkington Pink (1885-1952)

The Christian Sabbath (originally published in A W Pink's Studies in the Scriptures - 1922-23)
Arthur Walkington Pink


And this is related.

The Holy Sabbath (1940)
Arthur Walkington Pink

"The chapters in The Holy Sabbath originally appeared as serial articles in A.W. Pink’s Studies in the Scriptures, from January 1939 to April 1940. The Studies in the Scriptures was Pink’s expository digest, which he single-handedly maintained from the 1920s until his death in 1952."


An Exposition of Hebrews - Chapter 17 - p. 103-108
Christ Superior to Joshua.
(Hebrews 4:3-10)

This was from Studies in the Scriptures 1928-29. If searching, the OCR is a little funky, with e's sometimes being c's.
Also available at:

A. W. Pink Commentary on Hebrews 4

Exposition of Hebrews, Volume 1
p. 190-201, when I went in by this middle page, I could see all the pages. YMMV.


Putting aside his transference of the day, I read The Christian Sabbath a while back and felt he had a solid understanding.

The urls should be checked. Ok, checked, one changed.

Steven Avery

Genesis 26:5
Because that Abraham obeyed my voice,
and kept my charge,
my commandments,
my statutes,
and my laws.


Originally Posted by Esaias View Post

Abraham knew God's laws, ways, commandments, etc, and taught them to his descendants (Genesis 26:5, Genesis 18:19).
This used to be well understood.


The Practical Works of Richard Baxter (1615-1691)

"The Seventh-day-Sabbath was kept by Abraham, (Gen. xxvi. 5.) by the Israelites, (Exod. v. 5.) .... "
It would be interesting to look at some of the better examinations of this question, which would include 7th-day sabbath keepers, Sunday-keepers and others. Here is an example:

The history and obligation of the sabbath (1844)
Charles John Elliicott