saying more in the French than the English

Steven Avery


When Was the Gospel Written with a section on the
The Discovery of the Sinaitic Manuscript - 1866 - page with red cloth



Example of difference - notes in French edition are not in English (here is one)

M?moire sur la d?couverte et l'antiquit? du "Codex Sinaiticus"

L'augmentation de mes feuilles avait eu lieu bient?t apr?s mon d?part du couvent en 1844. On avait trouv? les autres fragments dans une autre biblioth?que du couvent ; et il ?tait impossible de ne pas reconna?tre qu'ils provenaient de ce m?me manuscript, dont les restes avaient ?t? par moi si chaleureusement recommand?s au couvent.

Google translate /angle
Increasing my sheets took place soon after I left the convent in 1844. We found other fragments in another library of the convent, and it was impossible not to recognize that they came from the same manuscript, whose remains had been by me so warmly recommended to the convent.

How was Tischendorf involved in finding other fragments after leaving the convent?

And was the cloth red? or was that a later embellishment.

On p. 205, there is reference to Maccabees, Tobit and Judith
p. 207 discussion of his copying Isaiah and Jeremiah in 1844
p. 208 he mentions the use of a glass of liquor
