searching out Tischendorf on accents and breathings

Steven Avery


Hort rips Scrivener

much doubt hangs over many of its readings; it seems barely certain whether its accents and breathings are prima or secunda manu.2 [2 – On this point however Vercellone’s testimony should be heard. After correcting Birch’s statement that the breathings and accents are prima manu, he adds, “etenim amanuensis ille, qui cunctas totius codicis litteras, vetustate pallescentes, atramento satis venuste, servata vetere forma, renovavit, idem accentus etiam spiritusque imposuit, qui nulli fuerant a prima manu; ut illae codicis particulae ostendunt, quas certis de causis (id est vel quia repetitas in codice vel ab eo improbatas) non attigit. Rei hujus veritatem codicis spectatores ipsi per se deprehendent.” (Cod. Vatican. Tom. V. p. 499.) I presume it is for this reason that while the facsimile of one column, Mark 1:1-9, prefixed to Tom. V. of Mai’s edition, contains no breathings or accents, they are represented in the splendid plate of the three columns of the first surviving page (commencing Gen. 46:28 πολιν) prefixed to Tom. I.]

We will adopt however the usual opinion about them: no competent critic places A later than the fifth, or B earlier than the fourth century.3 [3 – I find no traces in Mai’s Codex Vaticanus of the absurd opinion once imputed to him, that this MS dates as far back as the second century; Vercellone acquiesces in the date usually assigned to it, that of the fourth or early in the fifth century, but refers to Hug for the proof.]

Steven Avery




accentus aut spiritus observetur

Steven Avery

Bibliorum Codex Sinaiticus Petropolitanes
Imperial editon

Codex Sinaiticus

Corrector B

vir doctus

Quae quidem cum aliis ut satis manifesta nec facile cum notis A confundenda sunt, ita sunt etiam quae dubitationem habeant et propius ad antiquissimas notas accedant. Scripsit haud dubie vir doctus, qui eo consilio ad retractandum codicem videtur accessisse, ut antiquae scripturae variis modis consuleret. Hinc nullam paginam maiore studio quam ipsam primam amplexus est, quam etiam apostrophis spiritibus accentibus punctis aliisque signis larga manu exornavit.' A qua liberalitate quantopere iam recesserit folio tertio, tabula V docet. Etiam parcior fuit in iis quae sequuntur, ac praeter Matthaeum paucos tantum evangeliorum locos attigit.

Inter correctiones B et a quodammodo fluctuant quibus siglum Bå in commentario priorum editionum praepositum est. Harum exempla tabula XVIII. col. altera continet, ubi ex foliis 1 et 2 afferuntur υπο pro δια et αυτω ad ανεωχησαν additum, quibus accedit tabula V. col. 4 ouxe super xal ol additum, item aurno col. 1. Haec manum doctam similiter produnt atque quae antiquissimis notis passim festinanter adiecta sunt watu et avw: cf. tab. XVIII, col. 1 sub finem.

1 Hanc ad retractationem primi fol. vers. columna prima hi pertinent apostrophi, spiritus, accentus: ελαχίστη ει, οστισ, ποιμανεί, βηθλεεμ’ είπεν, εύρητε, οπωσ, διδε, ο αστηρ ον είδον, προήγεν, εωσ, ου ήν, είδον, 9ησ. αυτων,

As these, with others, are quite clear and not easily confused with the notes A, there are also those which have doubt and come nearer to the most ancient notes. He wrote, no doubt, a learned man, who seems to have come with the intention of revising the codex, in order to consult the ancient writings in various ways. Hence he embraced no page with greater zeal than the very first, which he also adorned with a generous hand with apostrophes, accents, points, and other signs. With what liberality the leaf has already withdrawn
, the third leaf, table 5 shows. He was even more careful in what follows, and besides Matthew he touched only a few passages of the Gospels. Between the corrections B and a they waver in some way to which the initials Bå have been prefixed in the commentary of the earlier editions. Table 18 of these examples. col. the other contains, where from leaves 1 and 2 are brought υπο for δια and αυτω added to ανεωχησαν, to which is added table V. col. 4 ouxe over xal ol added, likewise aurno col. 1. These are likewise produced by a learned hand, and which have been hastily added here and there to the most ancient records of watu and avw: cf. tab. 18, col. 1 under the end.


said of Tischendorf's characterization of him as
' vir doctus , qui eo consilio ad retractandum (codicem) videtur accessisse ut antiquae scripturae variis modis consuleret ' , reproduced and elaborated by Lake , N.T. , p . xxiii .

Magnum doctam

vir doctus

":vir doctus" "sinaiticus"":vir doctus" "sinaiticus"&f=false

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Steven Avery

vir doctus

Novum Testamentum graece (1865)
edited by Tischendorf


Quae scriptura sit notarum B, tabula XVIII. col. 2. aliquot exemplis docet, ubi videnda sunt el govtso, e Juwv, deywv, sdv, ouv, a Tuan. Alia praebet tabula V. col. 2, ubi B corrector και μη ολον pro η ολον reposuit, εαν pro αν, μοιχαται pro μοι
, , !YOTE, unde pro unte etc. Quae quidem cum aliis ut satis manifesta nec facile cum notis A confundenda sunt, ita sunt etiam quae dubitationem habeant et propius ad antiquissimas notas accedant. Scripsit haud dubie vir doctus, qui eo consilio ad retractandum codicem videtur accessisse, ut antiquae scripturae variis modis consuleret. Hinc nullam paginam maiore studio quam ipsam primam amplexus est, quam etiam apostrophis spiritibus accentibus punctis aliisque signis larga manu exornavit.' A qua liberalitate quantopere iam recesserit folio
1 Hanc ad retractationem primi fol. vers. columna prima hi pertinent apostrophi, spiritus, accentus: ελαχίστη ει, οστισ, ποιμανεί, βηθλεεμ’ είπεν, εύρητε, οπωσ, διδε, ο αστηρ ον είδον, προήγεν, εωσ, ου ήν, είδον, 9ησ. αυτων,

tertio, tabula V docet. Etiam parcior fuit in iis quae sequuntur, ac praeter Matthaeum paucos tantum evangeliorum locos attigit.
Inter correctiones B et a quodammodo fluctuant quibus siglum Bå in commentario priorum editionum praepositum est. Harum exempla tabula XVIII. col. altera continet, ubi ex foliis 1 et 2 afferuntur υπο pro δια et αυτω ad ανεωχησαν additum, quibus accedit tabula V. col. 4 ouxe super xal ol additum, item aurno col. 1. Haec manum doctam similiter produnt atque quae antiquissimis notis passim festinanter adiecta sunt watu et avw: cf. tab. XVIII, col. 1 sub finem.

Steven Avery

Ulrich Schmid

II. Die Markierung von Zitaten in den Handschriften[/URL

H. Diels/W. Schubart (Hgg.), Anonymer Kommentar zu Platons Thcaitct, Ber-
lin 1905.
B. P. Grenfell/A. S. Hunt (Edd.), Oxyrhynchus Papyri IV, London 1904.
K. McNamee, Marginalia and Commentaries in Greek Literary Papyri (PhD),
Durham 1977.
P. McGurk. Citation Marks in Early Latin Manuscripts (with a list of citation
marks in manuscripts earlier than A.D. 800 in English and Irish libraries).
Scriptorium 15, 1961 (reprinted in ebd.. Gospel Books and Early Latin
Manuscripts, Ashgate Variorum, 1998).
R. Pfeiffer, Geschichte der Klassischen Philologie. Von den Anfangcn bis zum
Ende des Hcllenismus, MUnchcn "1978.
R. Seider, Palaographie der griechischen Papyri, Bd. 2, Stuttgart 1970.
E. G. Turner, Greek Papyri. An Introduction, Oxford 1968.


Diples mid Quellenangaben im Codex Sinaiticus
Ulrich Schmid

Diples with sources in the Codex Sinaiticus
Ulrich Schmid
1. Introductory and methodical preliminary remarks

1. Einfiiihrende und methodische Vorbemerkungen
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