Steven Avery
Zwinglius - Jim West
The second and third (אc.a, אc.b) are correctors of the seventh century, and throughout the MS., more especially in the O. T., are the prevailing hands; the former stands alone in the poetical Books, the latter predominates in the Prophets.
Zwinglius - Jim West

How Many Scribes Worked on Codex א
In the text of א Tischendorf distinguishes the hands of four original scribes. To one (A), who wrote nearly the whole of the N. T., he assigns the fragments of Genesis and of 1 Chronicles, 1 Maccab…

The second and third (אc.a, אc.b) are correctors of the seventh century, and throughout the MS., more especially in the O. T., are the prevailing hands; the former stands alone in the poetical Books, the latter predominates in the Prophets.
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