Steven Avery
The new quote from the top Russian scientist Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov in his 1914 book fits perfectly with one part of our emphasis (remember that we have Helen Shenton telling us about the "phenomenally good condition" of Sinaiticus and we can see that courtesy of the BBC video):
Morozov was a top Russian scientist. He physically handled the manuscript.
From that, without all the special insight available today:
1) he knew as a scientist that it simply was not an ancient manuscript at all (even more so when you add in the handling theories of Tischendorf)
2) explained the Tischendorf shell game of hiding the manuscript from easy viewing and handling by European scholars
Today, the faux scholarship is deeply entrenched, and most everyone is a specialist unable to put the pieces together.
Morozov supplies a rather amazing and helpful corroboration to our many learning experiences about Sinaiticus being a recent ms.
Sinaiticus parchment sheets are very flexible as I have already said, by this simple material examination it can't be dated earlier than 600 years from this date -
История возникновения библейских пророчеств, их литературное изложение и характеристика
Prophets. Genesis of biblical prophesies, its literary presentation and characteristics.- p. 260
Morozov was a top Russian scientist. He physically handled the manuscript.
From that, without all the special insight available today:
1) he knew as a scientist that it simply was not an ancient manuscript at all (even more so when you add in the handling theories of Tischendorf)
2) explained the Tischendorf shell game of hiding the manuscript from easy viewing and handling by European scholars
Today, the faux scholarship is deeply entrenched, and most everyone is a specialist unable to put the pieces together.
Morozov supplies a rather amazing and helpful corroboration to our many learning experiences about Sinaiticus being a recent ms.
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