Stephen Boyce 'doctorate'

Steven Avery

YouTube - latest conversation - Nov. 2020

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About Steven Boyce and the ultra-flimsy doctorate:

Bill Brown
“... his Facebook page it tells you: Andersonville Theological Semiary.
It also says that he is currently working on a second doctorate at Lousiana Baptist.”

“Both schools mentioned are unaccredited and of questionable reputation. Avery could simply have said that and made the point.”


Andersonville Theological Seminary



Looks like about $2000, some easy-peasy distance courses, and no mention of a thesis.

This is significant because the “Dr.” nonsense shows up on debates.

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Note: there is no evidence that Stephen Boyce has what one would call a valid doctorate, from a solid institution with rigorous studies and a reviewed dissertation.

(Even those can be full of errors and fuzzy thinking, but at least there are certain attempts at standards. Grantley McDonald is an example of a valid doctorate despite lots of illogical thinking and "misses". Michael Brown has a solid NYU doctorate in Near East Studies, not sure the dissertation offhand.)

Boyce got something from some Bible College, apparently en passant. And now wants a second one.

Unless a real doctorate is demonstrated, it is an insult to the people he is discussing with to put that "Dr." in front of his name. And I would avoid any such discussion that is misrepresented.

Jeffrey Riddle does not put "Dr." in front of his name, afaik. Like many, he may well have an honorary degree.
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R.L. Vaughn

New member
Brother Riddle's credentials are as follows: B.A. Wake Forest University; M.Div. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D. Union Presbyterian Seminary.

Steven Avery

Tuesday, November 17, 2020
On Amateurs and Experts and the Text of Scripture

In other words, the TR is promoted by “amateurs” and resisted by “professionals.”

I thought of this when I listened to the recent podcast on the new biography of Samuel Prideaux Tregelles, who was also an “amateur”, working outside the professional guild, laboring in the iron works by day and doing text criticism by night (though, in his case, he worked against the TR).

One thinks as well of someone like James Snapp, Jr. who often has a knack of seeing things that the “professionals” do not. Or, consider that when we were exploring Ephesians 3:9 it was an “untrained” college student (“CC”) who kept finding texts with the TR reading and not a “trained” man with a respected doctorate.


However, that does not tell us about the PhD mentioned for Jeffrey Riddle from Union Presbyterian Seminary. He usually does not use the word Dr. or PhD.

Is there actually a reviewed thesis following PhD standards?
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