superb historicity accuracy of Luke (as noted by William Ramsay, Adrian Sherwin-White and Colin J. Hemer)

Steven Avery

William Mitchell Ramsay (1851-1939)

Colin J. Hemer (1930-1987)

Adrian Nicholas Sherwin-White (1911-1993)

James Smith , The Voyage and Shipwreck of St Paul (London, 4th edn, 1880);
James Smith (of Jordanhill.) · 1856 - Walter Edward Smith

I have elsewhere illustrated this view of the connection of the three first Gospels by examples from the historians Alison, Napier, and Suchet, who hold the same relation to the events of the peninsular campaigns in respect to time, which Luke, Matthew, and Mark hold to the events in the life of our Saviour; Alison being a historian who


“No man could by any possibility attain so complete a command of nautical language who had not spent a considerable portion of his life at sea.”
— James Smith on St. Luke

W. Ward Gasque,
A History of the Criticism of the Acts of the Apostles (BGBE, 17; Tubingen: J.C.B. Mohr [Paul Siebeckl, 1975);

Harry W. Tajra
The Trial of St Paul: A Juridical Exegesis of the Second Half of the Acts of the Apostles (2010)

R- Lane Fox, The Unauthorized Version (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 199!).


Facebook - NT Textual Criticism

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Steven Avery

... Gasque W. Ward. The History of the Criticism of the Acts of the Apostles.
Grand Rapids, Ml: Eerdmans, 1975. Gaventa, Beverly Roberts. From
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Steven Avery

New Light on Luke: Its Purpose, Sources and Literary Context (2004)
By Barbara Shellard

his province: Felix’s action is thus entirely plausible. Acts may be tendentious, but although we cannot assume that the incidents, as Luke records them, are historically true,67 studies by scholars such as J. Smith and W.M. Ramsay68 and more recent works by A.N. Sherwin-White, W. Gasque, C.J. Hemer, H. W. Tajra and R. Lane Fox69 have confirmed the accuracy of many of the details Luke includes.70 Hence, for example, Fair Havens, though unlikely to be known to any except someone who had sailed this route,71 is attested in contemporary reports. Similarly, the family of Sergius Paulus is well-known through a series of inscriptions from Rome and Asia Minor, and there are references to a senator of Claudian date by this name who became a consul,72 although we have no external evidence that he became a Christian. Gallio’s proconsulship also (see Acts 18.12) has been confirmed by an inscription at Delphi dating from 52 CF.. It is worth noting that neither proconsulship is mentioned in Tacitus’s Annals, nor does Seneca refer to them. There is no evidence that archives were kept in
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Steven Avery

Michael Prior
Paul the Letter-writer and the Second Letter to Timothy (1989)
p. 71 and 103

The Character and Purpose of Luke's Christology (1996)
by Douglas Buckwalter


Perspectives of Jesus in the Writings of Paul: A Historical Examination of Shared Core Commitments with a View to Determining the Extent of Paul's Dependence on Jesus (2014)
Gerry Schoberg

Those following in the tradition of F. C. Baur—especially M. Dibelius, E. Haenchen, P. Vielhauer, and H. Conzelmann—have been skeptical of the historical value of Acts, arguing, for example, that Lukes theological or pastoral concerns were more important to him than historical accuracy. On the other hand, those following in the tradition of J. B. Lightfoot—especially W. M. Ramsay, F. F. Bruce, A. N. Sherwin-White, C. J. Hemer, and M. Hengel—have argued, based on the agreement between Acts and other sources concerning numerous historical details, that theological and historical purposes are not necessarily a
t odds with each other.113
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