the hijacking lacuna hits the core scientific claim

Steven Avery


Remember, this is all about “viruses”, tiny dead/inactive RNA/DNA things that supposedly enter cells and then, amazingly, hijack the cell functions for their replication.

Yet there is no reproducible, non-circular science that ever demonstrated this spectacular, sophisticated hijacking technique!

Thus, there really is no virology “science”, the supposed fundamental support is lacuna, and is only accepted by circularity and scholastic osmosis.

Showing non-purification is wonderful, non-transmission of disease is helpful.

However, maybe we can also point out that the “hijacking” myth is a major part of zeroing in on the virology-“vaccine” sham!

Virology is misplaced faith, not science!

Steven Avery

Steven Avery I see your point but they would first have to show that these alleged particles even exist in "hosts" and they can't even do that much.

Steven Avery

Virology, theoretically, can exist, tenuously, as a science even lacking the following:

Proof of isolation-purification

Positive identification of large-scale (or any scale) viral particles coming forth from hosts.

Proof of disease causation.

Proof of transmission.

However, if there is no mechanism (proof) that “viruses” hijack cell functions for replication, then virology ceases to exist as a science.