the invitation - "openly contesting our actual beliefs on intellectual or religious grounds"

Steven Avery

From the response to criticism:

"openly contesting our actual beliefs on intellectual or religious grounds"

This is the invitation of Homestead Heritage to those who see flaws in their current position. This web forum tends to agree that many sensational charges in the media lead to an imbalanced understanding of the current Homestead Heritage situation. z
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Steven Avery

"openly contesting our actual beliefs on intellectual or religious grounds"
The problem is, Homestead Heritage is paralyzed when it comes to actual intellectual and religious dialog.

To give an example. We shared with Homestead Heritage some obvious blunders in their Bible and yahweh apologetics.

In one case, with the Bible, it included a well-known blunder that Daniel Wallace referred to as an "evangelical miscalculation".

Homestead Heritage was simply paralyzed. They made a couple of excuses for not replying, and moved on.

The lack of scholastic integrity involved is simply appalling.

As the days go on, by the grace of the Lord Jesus, this forum, and the blog in progress, will show you many of these examples.
