" ..... "Codex Friderico-Augustanus sive fragmenta Veteris Testamenti e codice graeco omnium qui in Europa. supersunt facile antiquissimo. in Oriente detexit, in patriam attulit, ad modum codidis edidit Constantinus Tischendorf."
23 pp. Prolegomena; 43 leaves text; fac-simile in lithograph. Professor Tischendorf gives, in the Leipsig Repertory, some account of this ancient MS. which he procured in the East, and to which he ascribes an earlier date than any previously existing in Europe, supposing it to have been written in the fourth century. Few can enjoy the opportunity of examining the MS from which the text of the Scriptures is formed. This advantage is in a measure extended to a much larger number by accurate fac-similes, like the one above noticed. This MS. derives an additional value from a considerable portion of it having been collated with a copy of the lost Hexapla of Origen, and the variations noted upon it. Professor Tischendorf's journey to the East was made under patronage of the Saxon Government, by whom this work has been issued as a proof that so rare an acquisition to theological, philological, and palaeological science is duly prized in Saxony ....... '"