Steven Avery
First, I would not mind one bit if this were true.
However, historical accuracy is important.
Your Wikipedia source said this is:
And that is a bit of an understatement.
Little of this really pans out.
We are looking at a paragraph on Wiki followed by:
The Criminal History of the Papacy - Part 3 of 3 (2007)
Tony Bushby
You can work with:
John Bale
Acta romanorum Pontificum (1558)
By John Bale
Leo Decimus
Nothing Tony Bushby writes can be taken at face. He picks up information from automatic writing and basically just makes things up. My letter on his nonsense about the Forged Origins of the New Testament was published in 2007.
This will help you understand his methodology.
Fakes Source Citations
Did Pope Leo X say that Christianity is a fable?
Skeptics Stack Exchange
Note that the Baronius
Annales ecclesiastici
was continued by Bzovius, a point missed when it is said Baronius only did 12 volumes through 1198.
When you search, if you include "Roger Pearse" in the search, generally you will find quality info. He had very nicely debunked a similar quote used against Eusebius, so I figgered he was on this one.
Roger Pearse discussion on Google Groups
His post works with Johann Burchard and the idea that this goes to Alexander VI, not Leo X.
Tekton (James Patrick Holding)
JPH works through many of the claimed sources.
- "It has served us well, this myth of Christ."
- Widely attributed to Leo X, the earliest known source of this statement is actually a polemical work by the Protestant John Bale, the anti-Catholic Acta Romanorum Pontificum, which was first translated from Latin into English as The Pageant of the Popes in 1574: "For on a time when a cardinall Bembus did move a question out of the Gospell, the Pope gave him a very contemptuous answer saying: All ages can testifie enough how profitable that fable of Christe hath ben to us and our companie." The Pope in this case being Leo X. Later accounts of it exist, as recorded by Vatican Librarian, Cardinal Baronius in the Annales Ecclesiastici (1597) a 12-volume history of the Church.
- In a more modern polemic, "The Criminal History of the Papacy" by Tony Bushby, in Nexus Magazine Volume 14, Number 3 (April - May 2007), it is stated that "The pope's pronouncement is recorded in the diaries and records of both Pietro Cardinal Bembo (Letters and Comments on Pope Leo X, 1842 reprint) and Paolo Cardinal Giovio (De Vita Leonis Decimi..., op. cit.), two associates who were witnesses to it.
First, I would not mind one bit if this were true.
However, historical accuracy is important.
Your Wikipedia source said this is:
And that is a bit of an understatement.
Little of this really pans out.
We are looking at a paragraph on Wiki followed by:
The Criminal History of the Papacy - Part 3 of 3 (2007)
Tony Bushby
You can work with:
John Bale
Acta romanorum Pontificum (1558)
By John Bale
Leo Decimus
Nothing Tony Bushby writes can be taken at face. He picks up information from automatic writing and basically just makes things up. My letter on his nonsense about the Forged Origins of the New Testament was published in 2007.
This will help you understand his methodology.
Fakes Source Citations
Did Pope Leo X say that Christianity is a fable?
Skeptics Stack Exchange
Note that the Baronius
Annales ecclesiastici
was continued by Bzovius, a point missed when it is said Baronius only did 12 volumes through 1198.
When you search, if you include "Roger Pearse" in the search, generally you will find quality info. He had very nicely debunked a similar quote used against Eusebius, so I figgered he was on this one.
Roger Pearse discussion on Google Groups
His post works with Johann Burchard and the idea that this goes to Alexander VI, not Leo X.
Tekton (James Patrick Holding)
JPH works through many of the claimed sources.
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