Uspensky on Psalms and Song of Songs - John Spillman text

Steven Avery


We have the Tischendorf weak response - it probably was to the 1856 but we should check Uspensky 1862

everything that he notices about Scripture, about age, about its text, is irrational .1 ... From the text of the Psalms he mentions that often the word (Greek), written red on a special line, is added to the understanding of the song and that the 2nd Psalm is connected with the 1st. He expresses a special interest in the intermediate sentences inserted in the text of the Song of Songs, thereby establishing a true dialogue. In the speech of the manuscript he finds the Alexandrian dialect, in so far as that in

We may have a second translation, but this from John Spillman is superb.
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Steven Avery

Первое путешествіе въ синайскій монастырь въ 1845 году. (Второе путешествіе ... въ синайскій монастырь въ 1850 году.).

p. 227

Steven Avery

In the book of Psalms, the second psalm is appended to the first one, and the word Δ'.αψαλμα , is found frequently, written on a special line in red ink, for example:


It is clear that with the help of Diapsalms the meaning of the Psalm is clarified, and that it can be sung two different ways. Each diapsalm is either the answer to a question, a shade of thought and feeling an unexpected figure of speech, and altogether a song. The book Song of Solomon was written as a discussion between a few persons. For example:
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Steven Avery


Abbyy Russian Old Spelling

Господа съ церковію его! Знаешь: кто, что, кому п
какъ говоритъ, и хорошо поннмаешь смыслъ нно-
сказаній. Когда я при такомъ освѣіценіи прочелъ
нѣсколько стиховъ этой книги: умъ мой вдруі-ь оза-
рился, и внутреннее слово провѣщало: «Невѣста-
церковь, женихъ-Христосъ Господь, дѣвицы-об.іа-
годатствованныя души. Любовь и благость Господа,
духовное цомазаніе, т. е. обиліе духовныхъ дарова-
ній, кои Онъ преподаетъ вѣрушщимъ въ него, и
нріобщеніе ихъ къ жизни божественной, привлека-
ютъ къ нему души. (Ст. I. 2.) А онѣ, вкусивъ бла-
гость въ іонѢ церкни радуются н весеіятся о томъ,
что она, какъ мать, питаетъ ихъ сосцами своими,
т. е. сіовомъ Ьожіимъ и таинствами, источаюнхими
біагодать. Имь драгоцѣнно самое имя ея — Пра-
вота (Ст. 3.). Это — церковь иравая, пстинная, и
ведущая чадъ своихъ но прямому пути къ Богу, ко-
торый одинъ достоинъ лобви. Она окрѣпла подъ
зноемъ тяжкихъ испытаній (Ст. 4.). Сыны подзакон-

Lord with his church! You know: who, what, to whom how to speak, and well understand the meaning of no- tales. When in such illumination I read a few verses of this book: my mind is suddenly rushed, and the inner word prophesied: “The bride- church, bridegroom-Christ the Lord, girls-ob.ia- blessed souls. The love and goodness of the Lord, spiritual anointing, i.e., an abundance of spiritual gifts nіy, which He teaches to those who fall into him, and bringing them to divine life, attracting send souls to him. (Art. I. 2.) And he, having tasted the blessing

Lord with his church! You know: who, what, to whom how to speak, and well understand the meaning of no- tales. When in such illumination I read a few verses of this book: my mind is suddenly rushed, and the inner word prophesied: “The bride- church, bridegroom-Christ the Lord, girls-ob.ia- blessed souls. The love and goodness of the Lord, Lord with his church! You know: who, what, to whom how to speak, and well understand the meaning of no- tales. When in such illumination I read a few verses of this book: my mind is suddenly rushed, and the inner word prophesied: “The bride- church, bridegroom-Christ the Lord, girls-ob.ia- blessed souls. The love and goodness of the Lord, spiritual anointing, i.e., an abundance of spiritual gifts nіy, which He teaches to those who fall into him, and bringing them to divine life, attracting send souls to him. (Art. I. 2.) And he, having tasted the blessing the guest in the ion of the church rejoices and rejoices about that she, like a mother, feeds them with her nipples, i.e. sіovom bozhіim and sacraments, radiating chemistry read. Precious is her very name - Great vota (Art. 3.). This is the Iravaya, Pstinnaya church, and leading her children on the straight path to God, who which alone is worthy of love. She grew stronger under the heat of hard trials (Art. 4.). Sons of the sub-law
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