Note new section on Zosima and Simonides
183 The «canide» with its head turned towards the back (V28) is defined in the caption, a term that in all the Greek language occurs in the only Horapollo (3, p.6 Sbordone) and in the «extracts» of the eleventh century by Teucro di Babylon contained in a Laurentian code, and there it is the Greek name of Isis-Sothis. 451 It is difficult to remove weight from such a coincidence, especially since the use of Horapollo also bear fruit for the drawings of the recto. Then there is another source, the so-called Brevis historia animalium, mutila in principle, included in the Greek Monacense 564, following the work of Eliano. But in this case it was not even necessary for Simonidis to consult the Monacense. In 1811, in Moscow, with the support of the Zosimadai brothers, Christian Friedrich Matthaei had published this paper. He had presented it with due emphasis ("former manuscripto code qui unus at our time videtur pervenisse") and had emphasized, from the frontispiece, the economic support of the Zosimadai. This work had a singular destiny: it was long (until 1869) considered unpublished, because the Moscow edition was almost completely destroyed in the Moscow fire (1812). Therefore, when, in 1868, Moritz Haupt 452 decided to publish it, on the basis of the Monastic code, he realized at the last minute the existence of Matthaei's previous edition (commented and translated into Latin), and he judged that, given the extreme rarity of it, a new edition (which was in fact a first edition) was appropriate. For Simonidis, however, that was his world. The Zosimadai brothers, whose pedagogical work (school of Ioannina), editorial (the "Hellenic Library" and much more), political (economic support to Ypsilanti at the time of the Epanastasis) had left Ioannina, had moved the base of their activity towards Russia: first to Ni? ni Novgorod then to Moscow.
The longest-lived was Nicolaos Zosimas, who lived until 1842: and we find him, in those last years, between Moscow and Ni? ni Novgorod while Simonidis is, in the service of Sturtza, between Moscow and Odessa. When he was alone, Nicolaos continued his publishing activity. In 1840 he reprints the Acts of the Apostles already published for the first time in Moscow, and notes that he does so "at his own expense", but specifies "being the other brothers who have come to a better life" (). But editions and re-editions of works bearing their name still appear in 1842, including, which comes out in June of that year.
Their epitaph is composed and published by authoritative exponents of the Oikonomos family, in whose circle Simonidis was soon introduced. The books printed with the support of the Zosimadai were for Simonidis formative: from the Silloge of the geographers handed down in epitome (Vienna) to the Geography Elements of Antimo Gazis (Vienna 1804), to
the work of Nicephorus Theotokis, which Simonidis claims to have postulated for years.