Dante Alighieri

Steven Avery

Dante Alighieri - (1265-1321)

See below, direct HIT in the Inferno.

The Divine Comedy, Volume 3 (1911)
by Dante Alighieri
translated by C. E. Wheeler

144. The schoolmen found the scriptural references to the Trinity chiefly in the O. T., in the plural form of the Hebrew word for “God," in the use of the plural in Gen. i. 26; in the threefold cry in Isaiah vi. 3, etc., etc. The chief passages from the N.T. are the formula of baptism in Matt, xxviii. 19; the text of the three “heavenly witnesses” in 1 John v. 7 (Vulgate and A.V.); and the three-fold formula in Romans xi. 36, after citing which, with some others, Petrus Lombardus adds:

“but since almost every syllable of the New Testament agrees in suggesting this truth of the ineffable unity and Trinity, let us dispense with gathering testimonies on this matter.”


Dante has an indirect ref here:

"And I believe in three Persons, eternal, and I believe they are One essence, and Threefold, in such a way as to allow are and is to be joined."


Witness of God is Greater has a couple of Dante references, en passant.

• Peter Damian (Latin: Petrus Damianus; Italian: Pietro or Pier Damiani; c. 1007 – 21 or 22 February 1072 or 1073)[1] was a reforming Benedictine monk and cardinal in the circle of Pope Leo IX. Dante placed him in one of the highest circles of Paradiso as a great predecessor of Saint Francis of Assisi and he was declared a Doctor of the Church in 1828.

Joachim of Fiore (1135-1202 AD)
Dante affirmed that miracles were said to have been wrought at his tomb,
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Steven Avery

Comedia di Dante degli Allagherii (1866)
by Dante Alighieri , Jacopo della Lana , Luciano Scarabelli
Inferno - Canto IX

This is an incredible section.
Can we find it in English?
It may just be the commentary of the later writers.


The trilogy; or, Dante's three visions, transl. in the metre and rhyme of the original, with notes, by J.W. Thomas, Part 2


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