Joan E. Taylor - Cerinthus and the Gospel of Mark: The Priority of the Longer Ending - Adoptionism

Steven Avery

Cerinthus and the Gospel of Mark: The Priority of the Longer Ending (2022)
Joan E. Taylor

There are of course numerous ingenious ways of accounting for this
omission, but their problem is their very ingenuity. This gospel is not else-
where an ingenious work, in a literary sense.6-'


63 So Elliot 2008, 94.

Steven Avery

Facebook - Homestead Heritage Conatacts


Since the question came up whether Homestead Heritage is adoptionist, and Daniel van Deutekom did tweak his ideas, here is a nice quote from an article describing the belief:​

Cerinthus and the Gospel of MarK​

Joan E. Taylor
In Cerinthus’ adoptionist perspective—or what Kok more accurately calls a ‘possession Christology’19— a divine Power ‘Christ’ descended upon Jesus at his baptism, ‘in the form of a dove’. From then on Jesus proclaimed the ‘unknown Father and performed miracles’. Jesus was greater than every one else in righteousness, prudence and wisdom. However, the spiritual Christ, who was impassable, left Jesus at his death, though Jesus the man rose again.20 In short, ‘Christ’ did not suffer; only Jesus did.

19 Kok 2019.
20 Klijn and Reinink 1973, 102-105.

Continues on p. 681
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