Steven Avery
Cerinthus and the Gospel of Mark: The Priority of the Longer Ending (2022)
Joan E. Taylor
There are of course numerous ingenious ways of accounting for this
omission, but their problem is their very ingenuity. This gospel is not else-
where an ingenious work, in a literary sense.6-'
63 So Elliot 2008, 94.
Joan E. Taylor
Cerinthus and the Gospel of Mark: The Priority of the Longer Ending
In the study of the endings of Mark, manuscript studies alone may not be able to answer the question of Mark’s initial text. The reasons why certain texts were edited need to be explored. Here we will consider the issues arising from the adoptionist
There are of course numerous ingenious ways of accounting for this
omission, but their problem is their very ingenuity. This gospel is not else-
where an ingenious work, in a literary sense.6-'
63 So Elliot 2008, 94.