p. 96
Following the formation, in 1563, of the so-called ecclesia minor by the Antitrinitarian Calvinists and Anabaptists in Poland, many orthodox Trinitarians attacked these ‘Polish Brethren’ as new Arians, Sabellians and Samosatians. In 1566, Johannes Wigand published his treatise On God, against the new Arians recently arisen in Poland. The biblical passages he cited as clear references to the Trinity form a predictable group: Gen 1:26–27, Gen 18:1–2, Mt 28:19, Jn 10:30 and 1 Jn 5:7–8, the last claimed as a clear testimony to the three in one, about which Wigand showed no discernible critical qualms.104
104 Wigand 1566, 51, 53–54; cf. Bludau 1903a, 396.
Wigand, Johannes. De Deo, contra Arianos novos, nuper in Polonia exortos. [Frankfurt/Main]: Peter Braubach, 1566