John Cassian

Steven Avery

John Cassian is normally placed as a Greek omitter.

However, the apparatus of UBS-3 (UBS editions are a bit confusing, this can be checked, UBS-3 might have two distinct apparatuses, after they did some enhancement) had him on the positive side in parenthesis (allusion). Notice Ps-Cyprian, which might be Hundredfold Martyrs.




The one spot that I know of special interest is in Book 7 on the Incarnation, Against Nestorius

John Cassian

"earthly and heavenly witnesses alike"

And He surely came and did not keep silence, who before that He in His own person uttered anything after His birth, made known His advent by both earthly and heavenly witnesses alike, while the star points Him out, the magi adore Him, and angels declare Him.

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New member
Hi Avery!

I was checking sources for Cassian's quote. The greatest thing I got apart from the same regurgitation of "Cassian quotes it" in about five websites is Timothy W. Dunkin's statement: "The UBS-3 textual apparatus listed John Cassian (435 AD) as a writer who cited the Comma. I have not been able to confirm this citation, and UBS-4 has since removed Cassian from its listing" (p. 17, footnotes).

It seems that for some reason Cassian directly quoted it with something similar to "testimonium dicunt in terra, spiritus aqua et sanguis, et hi tres unum sunt in Christo Iesu. 8 et tres sunt, qui testimonium dicunt in caelo, pater, verbum et spiritus."

I couldn't find anything else sadly. I believe Cassian's quote was somewhat of an error/misattribution or that the original source was lost.
