Steven Avery
The Works of John Cassian.
The Seven Books of John Cassian on the Incarnation of the Lord, Against Nestorius.
Book III. Chapter I. That Christ, who is God and man in the unity of Person, sprang from Israel and the Virgin Mary according to the flesh. 9:5
That divine teacher of the Churches when in writing to the Romans he was reproving or rather lamenting the unbelief of the Jews, i.e., of his own brethren, made use of these words: “I wished myself,” said he, “to be accursed from Christ, for my brethren, who are my kinsmen according to the flesh, who are Israelites, to whom belongeth the adoption as of children, and the glory, and the testaments, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises: whose are the fathers, of whom is Christ according to the flesh, who is over all things, God blessed for ever.”
The Seven Books of John Cassian on the Incarnation of the Lord, Against Nestorius.
Book III. Chapter I. That Christ, who is God and man in the unity of Person, sprang from Israel and the Virgin Mary according to the flesh. 9:5
That divine teacher of the Churches when in writing to the Romans he was reproving or rather lamenting the unbelief of the Jews, i.e., of his own brethren, made use of these words: “I wished myself,” said he, “to be accursed from Christ, for my brethren, who are my kinsmen according to the flesh, who are Israelites, to whom belongeth the adoption as of children, and the glory, and the testaments, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises: whose are the fathers, of whom is Christ according to the flesh, who is over all things, God blessed for ever.”
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