2021 - new
false dichotomy - the pro-jab fallacy
The All Cause Mortality was discussed a bit here:
Vaccine Trials - All Cause Mortality
If the PCR tests didn’t work, then how the hell do they know if we had a pandemic or not?
See my post
2021-08-06 ::: Analysis of all-cause mortality by week in Canada 2010-2021, by province, age and sex: There was no COVID-19 pandemic, and there is strong evidence of response-caused deaths in the most elderly and in young males
Denis Rancourt
By Denis G. Rancourt, PhD Researcher, Ontario Civil Liberties Association ( ocla.ca ) Member scientist, PANDA ( pandata.org ) [ See sectio...
This lists his conclusions to date and links to studies. Note that Denis Rancourt does seem to believe that there is a "virus" as defined in the "scientific" community. However, he considers "terrain" as more important.
All-cause mortality during COVID-19: No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response
Denis G. Rancourt
Denis Rancourt - Sept. 19.2020 530 am ET
You know the propaganda has been over-the-top when the @WSJ
starts to scale it back.
Death Toll From Covid-19 Pandemic Extends Far Beyond Virus Victims
Doctors and researchers say more Americans are dying from heart
attacks and other health issues; drop in ER visits, health screenings
ByJon Kamp
Have 400,000 Americans Died of Covid-19?
Celia Farber - Jan 25, 2021
Little detail: 400,000 Americans did not die of Covid-19 in 2020. Neither did half that number. Nor a third, nor one 10th. If we are generous to the same mongers, the real number is only 4.2% of the genocidal drama number, 400,000, namely: 16,848.
Facebook discussion - Zara, Denis, myself, others
Facebook - BrightLight News
RESEARCH SCIENTIST DENIS RANCOURT ON COVID-19 - PART 1 Join Bright Light News' Tania Khazaal as she interviews research scientist, Denis Rancourt, on the subject of Covid-19. Listen as Rancourt...
James DeMeo found anomalies in CDC stats, dunno if ever explained
Little detail: 400,000 Americans did not die of Covid-19 in 2020. Neither did half that number. Nor a third, nor one 10th. If we are generous to the same mongers, the real number is only 4.2% of the genocidal drama number, 400,000, namely: 16,848.
Lockdowns cause mortality spike, not Covid-19
2020 discussion - Simin Williams article
The cat is out of the bag — lockdown measures were the cause of a spike in mortality rates, not Covid-19! Denis G. Rancourt, by his extensive research* into all-cause mortality figures during Covid-19...
Steven Avery @StevenAveryNY Oct 1, 2020
Replying to @Humble_Analysis
All cause mortality is the only solid figure, hard to manipulate. Are spikes really other causes? Iatrogenic (e.g. ventilator murder machines) unhealthy hospital treatment, even wrong ailment. In some cases 5G or massive high-dose flu vaccines. See Denis Rancourt paper. Thoughts?
Never a Pandemic Denis Rancourt paper, plus today’s Off-Guardian, any comments?
Comments Discussion
Denis Rancourt, in Quebec recently published a scientific paper about excess mortality in Canada, which appears to show there was, in fact, no respiratory disease pandemic in Canda. Today, Off-Guardian published a short article from Catte Black saying that in fact the pandemic is a hoax (not...
Ironically, Denis Rancourt is defending elements of virus theory here:
Denis Rancourt on Bitchute interview
#CovidMassHomicide Jim Larsen McLean asks Denis Rancourt to explain his paper "All-cause mortality during COVID-19: No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response". This paper...